Eleventh Grade

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Junior year was interesting for the girl. She moved into a new apartment, had 2 jobs, was really happy. But for her the happiness seems to never last.

The relationship she was holding onto so tight started to slip away, or maybe it was holding on to her. Maybe she was finally setting herself free. It was abusive. Not physically. No, she was never hit, never beaten. But she was hurt, hurt on the inside.

Because the hurt she endured was words. Verbal abuse.
"You can't wear that, you are too fat."
"You should work out more."
"You should do your makeup, you look so much better with makeup on."

And she allowed it to happen. She took the abuse. Always being told she wasn't good enough. That she could be better, prettier, if she lost weight.

Until one day she realized she didn't deserve that. That she didn't have to listen to the abuse. She was aloud to be happy and she left. She left the abuse. She left the person who called her so many things. And she wasn't sad. She never regretted her decision. Never.

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