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I was friends with this girl for years. We're the unpopular two, together forever it had seemed. But have you ever been Unfriended because your friend has been diagnosed with a disease called love, well that's happened to me. I'd been feeling quite left out and abandoned, she would do everything with him, most of her time was dedicated to the lad almost to the point I'd need to reserve a spot in her schedule, everyone else was just a memory..

She had stopped replying to my texts and said she'd "forget" but deep down I knew this wasn't true.
The only time she would message me first was when she had problems, mainly "boyfriend problems".
I'm fucking sorry I didn't realise I was your marriage councillor, and I'm not your therapist either! Stop off loading all your problems on me! you lost that privilege when you erased me from people on your prioritised list..

Slowly, slowly we grew further apart until this one time she text me first out of nowhere I was really surprised and sort of confused at the same time though I responded within seconds.
She said something strange at first similar to "my heart is hurting and I can't stop the tears from falling"

I thought it was important so I've gone and ran to her house only for her to tell me her boyfriend was moving. It's not like he was moving far.. It was a half hour fucking journey. Now I'm not sure whether it's normal to cry and overreact to something as little as a 30 minute journey so I told her it was nothing and that she'd be okay , and then she made out IT WAS MY FAULT!! Like the fuck?

Anyway I'm over it already I stopped trying and was satisfied with my other two friends (I'm shy and unsocial but the friends I do have are completely as nuts as me)

Boys, girls if your friend has been there for you from day one, DONT unfriend them just because you have a boyfriend, that's like throwing away a perfectly consumable chocolate bar for a new one with an unknown expiry date!! Stupid bitch ^-^

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