A Damsel in Distress and Gaining an Old Friend

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Knuckles’ POV

All of this wasn’t right, Sonic didn’t even like this girl and now he’s willing to plot war on the guy who he caught her with? It was a little fishy if you asked me, then when I found out it was the Prince of the South it all made sense. See, their quarrel started ever since before the two princes ever came into existence, it was said that the opposite poles tried to get along but they were just too different, they fought about any little thing like a cats and dogs always at each other’s throats. After time they settled down, but whenever the other’s name was mentioned it always boiled some blood. The main reason they were always so cut throat with each other was that the South had advanced technical things, things that used electricity and literally out of this world artillery. The North didn’t approve believing that life style will corrupt the people’s minds but of course the South opposed angering the North causing them to spread horrible rumors and stories about the other. And the hatred was taught to the children and the two Princes; consumed in so much hatred taught from when they were very small and time of creation, want nothing but death for the other.

I have a friend in the South, we lived in the middle of the opposites training as knights for royalty we had gone our separate ways unfortunately and now we fight against each other. I can’t stand it. It’s time someone put an end to this nonsense. I ordered Tails to warn the King, as the Prince doesn’t yet have the power to declare war just yet. Tails was able to slip away just as Sonic demanded we departed right this moment. This royal brat had gathered my knights before I could tell them my plan; he filled their heads with lies and hate as well so my men were out for the kill before I could change their minds. We had arrived at the south in no time with the speed we were traveling we could out run a wild cat running full speed on the savannah. Fire was set to the village the castle towered upon, a bunch of brawn and no brain barbarians given permission to go savage on an unsuspecting target, it was cold blooded genocide. I watched as houses not too different from my own home swallowed in flames and families of others not different at all from the villagers in my home was burning slowly screaming in panic and pain children pleading for mercy as the knights tore them away from their mothers and started to devour and disrespect the women. I felt so sick, to the point of tasting the vomit in my mouth watching everything unfold in a matter of unstoppable seconds.  I followed Sonic into the castle, the alien guards now aware of our presents and set out on their hawks to defend the village, or what little remained. There was a white bat walking the entrance hall, she struck my eye; in all of this madness my heart was ready to stop for her. She saw us and her features immediately flashed fear and she scrambled to turn the other way and run screaming for the Prince. Sonic followed her knowing she’d lead us right to him. He burst the doors down my men following after, I wasn’t the only one who was taken by this female bat and they grabbed for her ready to abuse her body.

I heard the familiar voice of my friend and saw he stood on the ready, willing to strike anyone who interferes with the prince. But the Prince stood ready to fight as well after sending two babes off to safety.

“You’re as bad as a whore!” Sonic scoffed, “You disgusting pig! I wouldn’t even spit in your direction! What kind of lies did your forked tongue whisper in that poor girl’s ear?”

“I don’t know what you think you know, but I assure you it was nothing of what you’re saying.” Shadow replied in his stance.

“Oh I’m sure it’s much worse.” Sonic growled leaping into action with a spin dash and now they both clashed in battle. Espio was now in combat with another knight. The poor girl bat was struggling against the wall being pushed and her top halfway off of her. Without another thought I leapt to her aid, pushing one of my men off and standing between them ordering for him to back down. She was shaken and began to beat her fist against my back.

“Hey! Hey calm down! I’m not here to hurt you!” I turned around grabbing her by the wrists. She struggled but soon understood me and calmed herself. Her eyes gazed into mine as if looking upon a god who saved her life with divine intervention.

“Stay with me.” I ordered wanting to protect her, not exactly sure why I’d suddenly became so concerned for her wellbeing and felt it necessary for her to have my protection at all times, maybe it was the stress of battle. She stayed close as I made my way to contact Espio.

“Knuckles?” He gasped but not letting his guard down and came at me with a swing almost striking and could have chopped my head off if I wasn’t so skilled at blocking his swift attacks. Almost no one could dodge or block him, but it was because of our close friendship and hard training together, that I learned his moves and how to react when going up against him in battle.

“”Espio!” I grunted still holding back his blade, “Drop your weapon I don’t wish to fight with you!”

“Then talk, but I’m keeping my weapon drawn.” He growled, not trusting of me, after all now we were supposed to be against each other.

“This isn’t a legal fight! Prince Sonic had caught his betrothed with Prince Shadow and now is taking this chance to use it as an excuse for war.” I explained.

“So it gives you the right to march in here burning our people and acting like wild un evolved beasts!?” He pushed me away.

“No! Those weren’t my orders! I’m against all of this! But was threated that if I didn’t at least accompany them here I’d be relieved from my duties to be replaced with another. You have to believe me that I’d never wish this kind of doing on even m worst enemy! Let alone my former friend! You know that don’t you!?”

“This isn’t our fight at all…” He stopped and took a step back catching his breath. I nodded and heard the yelling of clashing swords and loud arguing from above, the two Princes’ had spared to the top of the throne room on an overlooking balcony.

“Where is the King?!” I asked as all three of us had turned our gaze to the fighting blurs of red striped black clashing with blue.

“He’s out on an errand to the middle kingdom… Rouge,” Espio walked to the girl bat that stayed next to me, still shaken from her recent attacks, “You need to head over to the Middle Kingdom and find the King. Let him know there is unofficial war and all hell has broken loose!” He began to push her towards a window. He shook her raising his voice sternly, “Rouge! Listen to me! Find the King and get him here! Got it?”

“Y-yes!” She finally shook her head and made her escape through the window. From the window the black hawks were screeching making a shock wave down to everyone below, not knowing who or what they were killing but was an effort to put an end to chaos. The skies had turned black from all the smoke of the bring fires below.

I pray with every holy word I could think of Tails makes it with our Majesty and Rouge with hers to end this madness now.

“Knuckles, it seems we’ll be working together again. Good to have you back.” Espio took my hand in a firm hand shake before reading his battle stance again, “Lets break up as many fights we can until the royal fathers arrive to take care of the brats.” He said with a smirk. I nodded reading myself as well. It was good to work with a friend again.

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