I slipped my hand into my backpack, pulling out my sheathed dagger.

Julia and Sabrina turned, noticing the situation, and warily joined my side. Sabrina squeaked. Is that a knife? How'd you get that in the school?"

"No time to explain. Just follow my lead." I kept my eyes on Chiara.

Chiara threw back her head and laughed. The wind and storm outside picked up, the glass screaming against the pressure. "You pathetic little demigods think you can fight us? Come on daughter of Athena. Why so tense? The goddess was foolish, choosing you to bear the Mark. You won't be able to handle it. You will fail yourself, the other six, Olympus, and the world."

I wasn't exactly sure what she was talking about, but it worried me. The mark? The other six? but it wasn't time to ponder that. I had to protect Julia and Sabrina.

So they were demigods. I should've known sooner. I've been getting very slow at figuring things out. It was so obvious. I should've been expecting that since I heard about their backgrounds. Only half-bloods had stories like that.

Before I could react, the windows exploded. Shards of glass rained down around us, and I grabbed my roommates and tucked their heads under my arms. Once the shrapnel stopped falling, I looked up to see Chiara changing. Her form became less solid, more like a column of clouds twisting around. Her eyes and smile stayed the same, but she was now a anemoi thuellai, and two others flanked her.

I bet on the fact that they were able to use a weapon without any training, but some demigods just need their instincts.

I turned to Julia. "Take this." I handed her my Yankees hat. "Distract them."

She looked at me like I was crazy. "This is a baseball hat! What'm I supposed to do?"

"Put it on! It'll make you invisible. Just stall them as best you can. I'll be there in a second."

Shaking her head, she put it on and immediately disappeared, and a startled yelp emanated from the space Julia just occupied.

"Distract them!" I ordered again, and the anemoi's laugh immediately was cut off by a choking. Julia was strangling the storm spirit.

I turned to Sabrina, who was frozen with shock. "Take this." I gave her a drachma. "Go find a rainbow of some sort, in a steam cloud or flourescent lights. Throw the coin intot he rainbow and say, 'O iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Percy Jackson.' Tell him that storm spirits are attacking the academy. tell him to send Blackjack and two other pegasi." Sabrina was still in shock, but she nodded and ran off to find one.

I turned to the anemoi. Julia was still invisible, and the spirits were going insnae trying to find her. I took that advantage and leaped at the nearest one, my dagger pearcing through the dark vaporous neck. It instantly dissolved, and now only two were causing trouble. The open wall to the street was bringing in freezing wind, strengthening the storm spirits.

all of a sudden, a mop came flying out from the open janitor's closet. it was thrown with excellent aim, hitting the storm spirit right between the eyes. it would've killed any monster, but anemoi weren't solid masses; you had to surprise them to send them back to Tartarus.

A broom speared the other anemoi, but it passed through it like it wasn't there.

I slashed with my knife, but the spirit, who must've been Chiara, dodged and cackled. "Nice try, but you're still too slow. And your little friends aren't much help either."

sabrina then came running around the corner, a ferocious expression on her face. The gold drachma was gone, so I hoped that meant she was able to contact percy, but she just tackled the nearest storm spirit and went rolling, the anemoi trying to reform somewhere else, but not before I was able to stab it throught the chest and dispersing the essence.

Only Chiara was left. She scowled. "Come at me, demigods. I dare you."

We all accepted.

Sabrina jumped on her, distracting her, and Julia threw another mop at the anemoi, hitting it so it wouldn't hurt Sabrina if it passed through the storm spirit. It didn't The mop smashed into Chiara's brow, and with one last hiss, she was evaporated.

We all stood there, panting, and Julia finally said, "What the hell was that!? Annabeth, I know you know what that was. What are demigods? Why does your hat turn people invisible? And what in the name of Christ did Chiara turn into?"

i sighed, and replied, "You guys know about Greek Myths? You know, Zeus, the Minotaur, Hercules, Athena? Well, they're not myths. They're real. The gods are real. Mount Olympus is real. Demigods are the children of a mortal and a god. And you guys are demigods."

Julia and Sabrina just stared. Then Sabrina choked, "The spirit thing said daughter of Athena... you're a daughter of Athena, aren't you?'

I nodded. "And this camp I go to--it's for demigods, or half-bloods. We'll go there for as long as you'd like to stay. I'm staying there for the break."

They both still looked shocked, and I knew what they were thinking: I'm lying, it's a joke, it can't be, but could it?

Julia spoke first. "So you're saying...my father is a god? And Sabrina's mom is a goddess?"

Before I could reply, the sound of wings beating the air caught my attention. Percy was riding on Blackjack, with Porkpie flying behind them. he leaped off Blackjack and started running towards us, Riptide uncapped. When he realized it was just us, he stopped and grinned. "Why didn't you leave any monsters for me?"

Julia and Sabrina, who seemed even more surprised than possible, just stared.

I smiled weakly. "They took them out. They're pretty strong, actually. And don't freak them out any more than they are, Seaweed Brain."

Percy smiled warmly at my two room mates. "Hey, guys. I'd like you to meet Blackjack and Porkpie, two of the pegasi at camp." he nodded to Sabrina. "And thanks for giving me the message."

Julia blinked, then said "Oh, God. You're a demigod too. Who else is one? Arnold Schwarzenegger? Chuck Norris?"

Both me and Percy were silent. Percy replied, "There's a lot of people who are half bloods, Julia. You'll meet others at camp, don't worry. I know it's a lot to take in on such little warning, but you'll get used to it."

Thunder rumbled. The sky darkened.

"But let's get to camp first." I suggested.

We hurried to the pegasi, and in a matter of minutes we were on our way to Camp Half Blood.


I know, I know, you all were expecting them to be demigods, but I wanted them to be. And I couldn't get this posted sooner bc as you can see, it's pretty long. And I had this big art major project over the weekend that I had to do, so I did my best.

Chapter Nine to come!



Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Juno's Warningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें