Chapter 1

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Harper's POV

I took a deep breath, wondering when this wretched class would end. History is usually one of my favorite subjects. In fact, you would say I'm that annoying kid always asking the teacher more questions. Today, however, I just wanted that old school bell to ring and thus bring an end to school for the day.

What was making me so anxious to get out of this class was the fact that I would be seeing Damon afterward. Over the phone this morning, he had said that there was something important he wasted to talk about. Part of me was worried about what it might be, but the rest of me was just excited that I'd get to see him. Damon was always so busy that we don't get much time to hang out. He's on the high school football team, and his family is always busy, even though they live only a few blocks away from where my family is.

Finally, at long last, the bell rang. Mr. Wills gave out homework instructions as students packed our bags, but no one was listening-not even me this time. I slung my bag over my shoulder and rushed out of class. I weaved through the crowd of people, making my way t the front of the high school. Once I was there, I looked around for any sign of Damon; his car, his jacket, or maybe even that mountain of black hair he's so fond of. I couldn't see him anywhere.

"Boo," I heard from behind me. I smiled and whirled around. There he was, dressed in black jeans and t-shirt, his classic converse, and his leather jacket.

"Hey to you, too," I said casually with a smile. "What's with your hair today?" Damon shrugged his shoulders and ran his hand through his hair, smugly replying, "I woke up like this; it was too beautiful to brush out."

I laughed and shook my head. "Anyway, what's up? You said you had something important to talk to me about?"

"Yeah, I did," Damon said, looking a little sheepish. I quirked my eyebrows, knowing something was almost definitely up. He's never sheepish. "Um, let's talk about it over here, away from the crowds."

I followed Damon over to a grassy area in front of the school's name sign. I couldn't help but wonder what it was making him so nervous. When he turned to face me, his cheeks were tinged a shade of pink. "Um, I was gonna just text you, but I thought I should ask you in person instead..."

I felt my curiosity pique and my heartrate start to rise. "Go on, just tell me," I assured.

"Well," he started. I was... well I was wondering if maybe... if maybe you could find out if Jennifer likes me?"

M heart rate went back to normal, and I felt a twinge of surprise as well as disappointment. "Oh," I answered, sounding a little more disappointed than I meant to. "Uh, yeah, sure."

Damon flashed me a smile and nodded his head. Alright, cool. Thanks harper, I really appreciate it," he said as he gave me a side hug. "Well, that takes care of that."

"Yeah," I responded with a giggle. "But you totally owe me."

"Oh, I know exactly what to do," Damon smirked mischievously. "Well, I've got to go, but I'll text you later."

"Alright wise guy," I answered suspiciously. Damon only smiled and walked away. I had to admit, he was a real catch. Too bad Jennifer is the lucky girl this time around and not me. I shrugged my shoulders and quietly walked to my car.

As I unlocked my car, I heard my ringtone go off. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Harper, it's me," Jennifer answered. "I was wondering if you had finished that packet in English? I was having a little trouble with it."

I laughed softly and shook my head. "Oh Jenny, your timing is impeccable," I commented. "I'll tell you what, our families are having dinner tonight, so just bring the packet and I'll help you out then. Besides, I have something I need to talk to you about."

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