My Name Is Zay By The Way

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"So lemme get this straight. You told cops on Rah just because he dropped you for me?" I asked.

"Exactly." She said.

I pulled out my gun and pointed it to her.

"You don't wanna do that Molly." A voice said from out the darkness. "You remember me?" The boy said.

It took me a moment to remember where I saw his face from. "You that boy that tried to talk to me that I violated in the car that day." I said.

"Yup that's me. My name is Zay by the way." He said.

"Wait who is this nigga? He look twelve." Gunz said.

"He tried to talk to me and I dissed him. He felt some type of way and Rah pulled out a gun and scared him and his little friends off. You still mad about that?" I asked.

"Not really. But Ant was my boss and now that he's gone I'm not about to let no bitch and his girlfriend try to take over when I can make a name for myself." He said.

Gunz pulled out a gun and pointed it to them. "Can we just kill them right here?" He asked.

"It wouldn't be a good idea. You kill us and we'll have one of my guys go back to the cops and tell them more shit on Rah." Zay said.

"How? Y'all don't have evidence." I said.

"That's what you think. Do you realize how many people Rah shot? This nigga got more bodies than I could count on my fingers Molly." He said.

I took a deep breath. "Gunz put the gun down." I said.

Gunz hesitated at first but did what I told him to. "Alright I get it. You two are upset with Rah and I and want to get revenge. What the fuck do y'all want?" I asked for the millionth time.

"We need money, and we want y'all work." Zay said.

"HELL FUCKING NO." I said getting up. I was getting pissed off. "Y'all niggas lost y'all dam mind if y'all think I'm a give y'all niggas my work and my cash." I said.

"Give it to us or we tell the police. You don't have to give it to us all at the same time. We'll meet here and you just give it to us and do anything we ask y'all to. Understood?" Jasmine said.

Y'all don't understand how bad I wanted to kill this bitch.

I looked over at Quan to let him finish talking so I could calm myself down.

"Okay we'll do what you say. But y'all gotta show us the evidence first if y'all want this shit to work. Does that sound like a deal?" Quan asked.

Zay looked over at Jasmine. "I think it sounds fine to me." Jasmine said.

"Alright fine it's a deal. I'll text y'all the address to go to tomorrow so we can have a follow up on this meeting." Zay said.

"See yall then." Jasmine said leaving the place.

We all walked back to the car with Dana and told her what happen.

"We not really about to do that are we?" Dana asked.

"We'll gain there trust and then wipe them out." Quan said.

"Agreed. Ain't no way I'm a be giving up my work and cash to the same niggas that got Rah locked up." I said.

Dana drop me off at the trap house and I drove to Aiden's house. I picked up Aaron and we went home. I was laying down in my bed till my phone went off.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Yea Molly? It's Rah." He said.

My stomach started to do backflips.

"Rah hi. How are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm straight. What happened today?" He asked.

I explained to that Jasmine set him and up and was working for that Zay nigga.

"THIS DUMB THOT SET ME UP. I swear to god when I come out I'm a-"

"Stop we are being recorded remember that. That's why I didn't go in to detail." I said.

"You right you right. But look I'm coming home tomorrow morning but only for a little while. Cops are still on me and I might get locked up I'm not sure my lawyer is still tryna comprise a deal. They advise I don't leave the state." Rah said.

"That's good. At least you're out and not locked up in jail." I said.

"I guess. But I wanted to keep up to my promise." He replied.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Yea. I told you after this whole Ant thing I would help you get your life straight and move you out this hood. But the way things are looking that won't be happening no time soon." Rah said.

He actually sounded disappointed.
"It's okay. We'll get it right soon don't stress." I said.

"Thanks sweetheart. My times almost up so I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

"Alright bye Rah." I said.

"Later ugly." He hanged up and I went to lay down in my bed eventually falling asleep.

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