When You First Meet Him

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Jeff the Killer

Tonight you couldn't seem to sleep, talking to yourself you said "go to sleep, go to sleep" "go to sleep" a voice interrupted you, you looked at the corner of the room where the voice came from, a boy was sitting there. You rummaged through your drawer and pulled out a knife. You quickly threw it at him. He swiftly dodged it and laughed. "Good aim _____, you're a feisty one. I'll be back for you, honey." He jumped out the window leaving you with your mouth hanging open.


You had to walk home from school. All of a sudden you felt sick. You leaned over and vomited in a bush. "I-I need to sit down." You said. You saw a tall figure out of the corner of your eye. You whipped your head around and the figure was gone. When you looked in front of you he was there. "Sorry to scare you sweetie, come visit me sometime~" and with that he was gone.


You were in the shower when you heard a noise. You grabbed your towel and ran downstairs. You walked into the kitchen to find a masked man going through your food. He turned around, looked you up and down and wolf whistled. "S-sorry, I'll let you get back to what you were doing" he muttered.

Eyeless Jack

You were fast asleep when a noise woke you up. You got up and saw the eyeless man looking at you. You gasped and froze out of fear. The demon replied to your fear with "Sorry human. I won't eat you. Maybe." And walked out.


You were bored of playing video games so you went on cleverbot.

You: Hi

Cleverbot: hi cutie.

You: Umm... Hi

Cleverbot: The names BEN

You: Hi ben.

Cleverbot: looking for a boyfriend?

You: sure.

At that moment a boy popped his head out of the computer screen and kissed you. He disappeared and cleverbot said "see you again soon."

Creepypasta Boyfriend ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora