Chapter 17:

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“What’s wrong?” Prod asked me, as we were sitting on my bed.

“Nothing…” I lied trying to ignore making eye contact

“Then how come you’re eyes were red when you headed into our piano lessons today?” Prod asked again. I got up from where I was sitting; grabbed his arm and took him out of my room.

“Look, Prod, I love that you care for me…but I really don’t have a problem. Okay?” I smiled slightly. “Now go to your room,” I leaned over and gave him a hug.

“Ugh! Fine!” He pouted and walked like a lost puppy to his room.

Once the coast was clear; I ran to my room, threw myself on the bed, and yelled into a pillow.

“There” I mumbled to myself straighten my clothes.

I decided to just finish my homework, but Chres kept coming to my head. Ten minutes later with high frustration in homework there was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” I asked miserably lying down on my bed.

“It’s your mom.” My mom poked her head into the door, smiling. “Can I come in?” She asked frowning a little.

“Sure…” I let out a big sigh.

“So a little birdie told me you, were not happy today after school.” She  sat down next to where I was laying. “What happened?”


“Nothing? Come on sweetie it has to me more to that.” She smiled

“Why do you assume that?” I asked.

“Because you ain’t smiling you’re big smile, you smile everyday..” She smiled slightly.

“No really nothing happened, I just t-thought m-my phone was missing? Yeah…my phone.” I lied

“Mmm…” she paused and thought for a moment. “Then what does Chres have to do with this.” I decided to tell the truth.

“Okay…so I went to my gym locker after school…” I trailed off telling her every single detail.

“Oh?...Well baby? Like it or not, but I think it’s better for you guys to talk…” She smiled slightly

“I don’t know, I really don’t feel like seeing him.”

“How ‘bout this? You call Chresento up, and I’ll be sitting right here…” She patted a spot on the bed. “Just think about it.” She passed me my phone. “I’ll wait for him downstairs.” She called out as she left.

I hesitated to call, him; but I don’t know what happened because my finger hit his name and it was ringing.

“Hello?” Chres paused. “Rene is that you?”

I didn’t answer.

“Rene, I know it’s you…I’m so thankful you called I want to talk to you” he said

“My mom wants to talk to you Chresento, she was wondering if you could come…” I blurted out.


“Yes or no; so I can tell her.”

“Um…yeah I’ll be there in five.” He sounded confused.

“Okay, bye.”

“Wait R-

He didn’t finish because I hung up the phone. I ran downstairs.


“Yes sweetie?” I jumped a little because she was behind me.

“Um…Chres said that he would be here in a lil bit.” I said quietly.

“Okay, well I will be in the living room..” She explained

“I’ll be in the kitchen…” I walked away opening the doors to the kitchen finding two boys on a table.

“Oh? Hey, Rene!” James looked up and came to hug me.

“Hey James…Who’s your friend?” I asked as a boy the same age of James looked up at me and smiled slightly.

“Hi, I’m Brady…James friend.” Brady explained giving me a hand shake.

“Well I’m Rene, nice to meet you Brady.” I smiled. “What are you guys doing?” I asked putting my hands on my hips.

“Oh? We are doing a cell model for our 7th grade project in Science.” James smiled.

“Cool!” I really thought that was cool.

“Yeah see we got the mitochondria h-

“RENE!” My mom called from the living room. “Some ones here to see you…” She finished off.

“Sorry guys but I got to go...” I apologized and headed to the living room, finding Chres and my mom.

“Chresento and Rene, let’s go upstairs; shall we?” She led me to my room.

When we arrived in front of my room, my mom let me go in first. We all sat down on my bed.

“So, Chres…somebody told me what happened at after school today.” My mom explained.

“Um…y-yeah…I-I guess…” he stuttered, while his hand reached to his neck.

“Rene do you have any questions for Chres?” She asked giving me the eye of here’s-your-chance.

“Yeah…I do.” I paused and looked at Chres straight in the eyes.

“How come you had sex with Italia?” I asked crossing my arms around my chest, and giving him the death stare.

“I can’t say…”

“You can’t say? Oh? So you go do something wrong, but then you can’t explain it? Hmm?” I was getting a lil ticked off.

“You won’t understand Rene…” Chres said sternly.

“You never know, what if I do?”

“You won’t trust me…”

“Look, Chresento just tell me.” I paused and mumbled “P*ssy”

“Rene, watch you’re language.” My mother sternly said.

“Sorry…” I looked at Chres. “How come you can’t tell me?” I asked.

“Do you really want to know?”

“Yes!” I said gently

“I-I was-

Hope you guys liked this chapter more will happen on the next one, I didn’t update anything up yesterday because this chapter was already done but got erased somehow!! Oh well…problem solved.

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