Honeymoon Period

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Ghah!! This is just sickening! You know when you were younger and you'd go to one of your new friends houses for the first time and they had that dog that would try to continuously try to shag your leg and wherever you went it would be watching? Well that's what the honeymoon people act like! They are always leaning over one another, touching noses, kissing.. It's so awkward!! Plus when you offer to leave (to give them privacy if necessary) they insist on you staying put. Pause.. Wait.. Hold up.. You want ME to stay HERE so I can watch YOU dribble on each other? Umm.. No thanks I think I'll go home and watch Netflix.

Honeymooners are the grossest couple you'll ever meet. When you're with your friend that's in the relationship all they go on about is how cute their partner is and your just sitting there all fucking alone.

InLoVePpL: Omg Morgan, George is so cute he woke up this morning and he was cuddling me!
Me: *sarcastic* oh woooowwww I'm so interested..
InLoVePpL: *dismisses your sarcasm* Good then I'll tell your more , basically we went t-
Me: "shut the hell up!! I'm sorry but I seriously do not care one bit"

Ok so now I seem like a bitch because I hate that level of intimacy , your at least entitled to a personal life aswell yet all you do is talk about THEM!
Ask yourself: when was the last time I hung out with my friends alone?

You have got to distance yourself a bit don't be a fucking glue stick no one likes a prick...stick . It's like dying your hair and not being able to get the dye off your neck.

Don't attach yourself to anyone or anything because everything is impermanent so one day you'll need to let go..

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