Albus Malfoy and the Crazy Christmas

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"Are we packed yet?" Scorpius asked looking through their suitcases.
"What do you take me for?" Albus asked "I'm an adult."
"Yes but you have less hand eye coridoration then a Nargle."
Albus sighed, "What does that even mean."
Scorpius looked at him and rolled his eyes, "you're adorable but you can be oh so clueless." He grabbed their bags carrying hem downstairs.
"Geek." Albus whispered to their now empty bedroom.
"Girls come on, into the car!" Scorpius called as he walked to the car to put their things away.
His husband and their two sleepy teenage daughters followed him out to the car.
Scorpius hurried around, getting everything together and preparing to drive off to the Weasley's.
Astroia who was wrapped up in an oversized Ravenclaw scarf watched as her Dad ran around getting everything ready. She laughed at his action to herself.
Albus smiled at their youngest, glad to see in a good mood. He knew what it was like to feel isolated because of your house and wanted nothing but happiness for the youngest Malfoy.
Scorpius sighed back in his seat pushing his glasses up. "Alright girls, ready for your Uncle Ron and Hermione's?"
"Coming Dad, don't worry." Culla called from upstairs. She smiled at her hair, with some advice from her aunt Hermoine her Potter-style messy hair was tamed. "Is Grandpa going to be there?"
"Sadly." Scorpius answered sighing softly.
Culla frowned at her Dad's expression. "I thought you and Harry got along?" She asked, pulling on his sleeve anxiously.
"No we do honey. But Grandpa Malfoy is gonna be there too... we know how that usually goes when Grandpa Potter is there too."
Culla bit her lip. "Is it because you stole Daddy away from him? Because that's what Newt and Rose told me last time they had Firewhisky." 
"No sweetie... don't worry about it ok... Aunt Rose will be there, that's gonna be fun." Scorpius smiled softly."Ok Dad." Culla bit her lip again. She may look like a Potter but she and Astroia were undeniably Malfoys. Even if only one of them had the hair to show it.
"Don't worry. Have a good time. They love you ok." Scorpius smiled patting her off to the car.
"Ok Dad, but I won't start drama. I'll even take out my piercing." Culla said, tapping her sliver nose ring.
"Thank you darling but you'll be fine. I want you to be yourself, there will be no drama." Scorpius said kissing her head.
"Good. Love you Dad." Culla said, grinning. "Also Daddy is stealing food from the fridge if you need him."
"Love you too. Get in the car we'll be there." Scorpius said walking to the kitchen. "Al... really? I said we'd stop to get sweets and all."
"Culla! I will make your sister my favourite."
"Get your cute ass I the car." Scorpius said pointing to the door.
"Eww." Astroia said, following her older sister to the car.
Scorpius laughed and put away all Albus had taken out.
"Come on Dads." Astoria called. "I want to see Rose."
Scorpius walked out to the car with Albus and got in the drivers seat, starting to drive off.
"Wake up, Astoria. We're here." Scorpius whispered, shaking her gently.
Astoria groaned as she woke up, brushing the hair from her face.
Scorpius smiled picking her up and carrying her out of the car.
"You don't have to carry me, I'm twelve." Astoria protested weakly, cuddling into her dad anyway.
"Still my baby." Scorpius smiled kissing her cheek. "Al can you grab the bags."
"Anything for you love." Albus said, kissing his husband and then his daughter who was curled up in his arms. Scorpius smiled and hugged Astoria tightly, slowly rocking her as Albus got their things together.
"Guys." Culla said, taking a quick photo of her family with her heavy muggle camera.
Scorpius smiled to her. "We good now Culla?"
"We just got here Dad. Come on, its cold and I want my Weasley jumper."
"Open the door, I've got a handful." Scorpius smiled."Hey." Astoria protested. "I'm not heavy dad."
"I know, but I'm holding you with both hands." Scorpius chuckled. Astoria hummed in agreement, still sleepy.
"Hey." Albus called to the family. "We're here."
Rose rushed out to meet them, as quickly as she could being four months pregnant. "Al."
Scorpius smiled at her and went to set Astoria inside.
"Rose, missed you." He hugged her. Albus grinned, once upon a time he would have been jealous but with a wedding ring on his finger he was just happy to see his husband smile.
Scorpius smiled and hugged rose back. "You've gotten bigger since last time Rose."
"Thats no way to talk to the Minister of Magic." Rose said, patting her pregnant belly. "Your Dads here. He was helping Molly with the cooking."
"Oh god, he hasn't been trouble has he?" Scorpius asked.
"Molly loves him, no trouble. But Harry isn't here yet, so who knows?" Rose noticed Scorpius worried expression. "Relax. And where's the girls, I have hair spells and I wanna play with them."
"Astoria fell asleep she's on the coach, Culla is setting up her things upstairs." Scorpius said. "You know I can't relax this times like this." He sighed running a hand through his hair.
Scorpius nodded. "Where's Al? Oh no my dad." Scorpius groaned.
"Relax dork, your husband is with Lily. Calm. I can preform a relaxing charm?"
"I'll be fine go play with the girls they've been dying to see you."
Scorpius smiled at her. "Love you too Rose, now go on with them." He smiled attempting to find Albus.
"Al." Albus turned at the sound of his name, turning and smiling at his husband.
Scorpius smiled and hugged him. "Hey, what's up."
"Just looking for our children. This house is so big we've already lost them. Are we bad parents?
Scorpius nodded. "With Rose don't worry."
Scorpius smiled and kissed him back putting his hands at his waist.
It was nice, a quiet moment of husbandry love. Until Harry Potter showed up.He made an awkward cough interrupting them.
Scorpius pulled away and saw him, quickly putting his hand by his sides. "Hey Mr. Potter."
"Dad." Albus hissed, blushing almost bright red. "Ever heard of privacy?"
Scorpius looked down rubbing his neck.
"Yeah, but your my son so privacy didn't a option." Harry laughed.
"I am an adult." Albus crossed his arms stubbornly. "And I'll snog my husband if I like."
"Albus, it's alright, we'll save it for later." Scorpius said kissing his cheek. "I'll go check on Rose and the girls ok?"
"Err...." Scorpius disappeared before giving his husband a chance to answer, leaving him alone with his Dad.
"So Malfoy, what's new?" Harry asked smiling at his son.
"Astoria redecorated her room blue. And Scorpius hair. Accidentally." Albus smiled. "Dad... you do like Scorpius right?"
"I like that your happy. And my grandkids are happy."Harry shrugged taking a seat.
"But you like him? Even if he's a Malfoy?"
"You know how I am Albus... I don't want him to break your heart or anything. I know what he said to me, Potters don't belong in Slytherin, a Malfoy does. But your the Potter that does. That's all."
"I'm glad you like him dad, he's the love of my life. And face it, Scorp can't break anything, he needs Culla's help to crack an egg still."
Harry laughed. "Still wish you would have gone by Potter or at least Malfoy Potter. I'll have to hear that rat brag about it."
Harry laughed. "Still wish you would have gone by Potter or at least Malfoy Potter. I'll have to hear that rat brag about it."
"There are enough Potter's out there. I want to be a Malfoy, it's like carrying a little bit of Scorp with me."
"The Malfoy's don't have a good past Albus." Harry said crossing his arms.
"Well, my Malfoy does." Albus turned on his heel and went to find his husband.
Scorpius was laid down on the living room rubbing his head, his glasses resting on his stomach."Dad's being..." Albus started, "I... Hug?"
Scorpius looked up and held out his arms. "Come here."
Albus buried his head in Scorpius shoulder. "I love you Scorpius Malfoy."
Scorpius hugged Albus tightly. "I love you too Albus Malfoy."
"My Dad said he wished I kept my name instead of yours. But all I want is you."
Scorpius smiled and softly kissed his lips. "Albus you've got me forever. I think Malfoy suits you better than Potter, anyway." He smiled and put his hand in Albus's dark hair playing around with it.
"I wish our parents didn't have such a stupid feud."
"I know Al." Scorpius sighed and kissed his head. "Ignore them. I'm sick of my dad already... he kept taking about the girls and what I'm doing wrong." He sighed rubbing his head.
"I think he's mad that Astoria got into Ravenclaw. But as long as she's happy."
Scorpius nodded. "He also said Culla was too much like a Potter. I don't even know what it means. The girls are perfect, I swear if they say anything to them I will hurt them." Scorpius said hugging albus close.
"Culla can't help her hair, or glasses. Neither can Astoria." Albus listened to Scorpius heartbeat. "Next year we'll do Christmas alone."
Scorpius looked at Albus playing with his hair. "We'll invite the Weasley's and that's all. No Potter's or Malfoy's."
"Deal, we can magically cook right? Well we can invite Mum, she's cool. Just Dad being a jerk."
"Lil... maybe James." Scorpius said kissing his head.
Scorpius nodded. "You're all the family I need Al. Plus the girls."
Astoria sighed and sat on the couch. "Why does this always happen when we're here?"
"Because Grandpa Harry and Draco only meet once a year and it's always when we're here." Culla kicked a nearby chair. "Do you agree with Dad? That Christmas would be better without them?"
Astoria nodded. "Then Dad wouldn't be stressed, and could relax for once." She sighed looking at her sister.
"And Dad and Daddy would actually, you know, act like a couple. They don't even hold hands when Grandpa Harry is in the room."
"Culla your the oldest... What do we do?" Astoria asked picking at the loose thread on her blue Weasley jumper.
"Between a Ravenclaw and Slytherin I'm sure we'll come up with something. But first we should get back up. Want to find Sam?"
Astoria nodded and got up from the couch, "I'm guessing he's where the books are."
The girls headed to the office, where Sam's blond head was tucked into a book too heavy for a ten year old.
"Hey, cousin."
Sam looked up from where he was reading, "What do you guys want? You didn't turn uncle Scorp's hair blue again, did you?"
"It was one time ok?" Astoria sighed.
"Actually Sam, we were looking for backup. We're finally ending the Draco-Harry feud."
Sam raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's not possible even if you tried."
"You're sick of it too, we all are. Come on Sam." Astoria said bending down in front of him.
"Fine." He sighed placing his book down. "What the plan?"
"Plan a) is lock them in a room together, plan b) is to magically stick them together. Which is where you come in. We can't do magic, but you're not at Hogwarts yet, so it's allowed." Astoria pouted at her cousin.
"Alright, Astoria, distract them and get them into the room. Then I'll do the spell."
"Thank you, Sam." Astoria hugged her cousin tightly. Culla smiled at the two. At least her sister wouldn't be so alone in Ravenclaw next year.
"We talked about hugging Astoria." Sam sighed hugging her back.
"Come on, Sam, you know I'm your favourite cousin."Sam rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's put your grandparents in a room."
"I'll get Draco." Culla suggested.
"I'll get Harry." Astoria said getting up.
"I'll... wait by the room." Sam said.
"Hey Gran, Grandpa." Astoria said innocently, hugging her Grandparents tightly. She whispered in Ginnys ear "trust me".
"What's up Astoria?" Harry asked looking down at his grandaughter.
"I was hoping for help, um wrapping Cullas gift. I need magical help and Daddy stressed and Dads busy." Astoria gave him the same sad eyes that made her Dads give in to every demand.
Harry sighed. "Alright, let's see what you've gotten yourself into." He kissed Ginny on the cheek and walked off with Astoria.
Meanwhile Culla was trying to track down their other Grandparent. Draco was sat in the kitchen talking with Molly.
"Grandpa, granpa! I need your help."
Draco stood up and reached for his wand.
Culla grinned, they always had the best plans.
Astoria successfully led Harry into the room, waiting for Culla to come and do the same with Draco.
After hearing the heavy footsteps of her sister, Astoria slowly backed out the room, winking at Sam as she went past.
Sam smiled as Astoria went next to him.
"Got this?" She whispered, slipping Harry's wand to him.
"Yeah of course."
"Astoria?" Harry called looking around.
"Hurry up Culla."
Culla came through pulling Draco in the room. "It's right there." She called walking out shutting the door on them.
"Go Sam." Astoria hissed, nudging him. Sam looked in his book reciting the words and locking the door with magic.
"Now what?" Culla asked, joining them.
"Now, we go get some of Mollys cake and let them sort things out."
Harry looked around and sighed seeing Draco. "Very funny Malfoy." He went to the door pulling on it.
"I didn't do this. Believe it or not."
Harry looked to him and jiggled the knob again. "Well the girls are banned from doing magic, it had to be you. They may be Malfoy's but they aren't bad like them.""Malfoy does not equal evil. The same can be said for a Potter, they're not all good." Draco sneered. "And you're a wizard Potter, use your magic."
"You are too." Harry sighed, "the one who got us into this mess."
"I believe A Malfoy got us into this mess. But it most certainly wasn't me." 
Harry sighed knocking against the door. "Albus! Scorpius! This is very funny come on let us out!"
"That isn't going to work." Draco reached for his wand and found an empty pocket. "Have you got your wand Potter?"
Harry looked in his pockets. "What the? It was just there. I'm not that old, check the floor." Harry said looking around.
"By any chance did Astoria hug you before we got locked in?" Draco asked.
"The girls must have swiped our wands. And they must have locked us in."
"The Malfoy name? You make us sound oh-so-evil. Have you even met my son?"
"Of course I have he's married to my son." Harry sighed.
"And they're happy. I may not have been happy at first with Scorpius marrying a Potter spawn but at least he did it happily. And I like your Malfoy as much as my own."
"Well I don't. I miss having my Potter alright. There I said it." Harry sighed leaning against the door.
"Do you have a problem with your son being with just mine, or was it like that with other boy?"
"When Albus took Scorpius's name it was basically him saying, he didn't want to be a Potter anymore. He didn't want me in his life anymore." Draco didn't smile, but he dropped his sneer and gestured for Harry to carry on.
Harry sighed. "The only time I talk to him is my once a year birthday call. It's not even a minute long. This is the only time I ever physically see him. I miss him and I hear Malfoy and then I get pissed thinking about all that."
"He's growing up. I can barely believe my son has kids himself."
"Theyre getting old. We're getting old."
"Maybe... maybe you - we shouldn't so hard on them."
Harry nodded. "I'll try...if you will too."
"I think it's time for our feud to end, Harry.""For our sons sake, friends?" Draco offered him a handshake.
Harry nodded. "Try frenemies."
"Deal." Draco paused. "Now how are we going to get out?"
"Yell?" Harry said pounding on the door. "Astoria, Culla! Come on we made up!"
There was no reply. "Al? Scorpius?"
"Boys come on please!" Harry said hitting the door.
Scorpius heard and opened up the door with ease, looking at them both. "Why are you both in the closet. I thought I was the gay one."
"Your children locked us in." Draco answered. He pulled Scoprius into an unexpected hug.
Scorpius tensed up as he did. "Albus! Our dads are doing through a midlife crisis!"
Albus frowned. "Can't we have a normal Christmas for once?"
"Dad are you ok? We don't usually hug." Scorpius said looking at his dad.
Harry went to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry ok."
Scorpius looked at the two confused. "Albus help! I think I took the wrong pills for a headache."
"Um, Dad," Albus said, "I think you're hugging the wrong Malfoy?"
Harry pulled away and patted his shoulder. "I like you Malfoy." He went to albus and ruffled his hair. "Malfoy's aren't that bad."
Scorpius looked hopelessly confused to Albus of what was going on. "Can we have some context? Please?"
"Your children stopped our feud by locking us in here." Draco said letting go out Scorpius.
Harry nodded. "Is dinner ready I'm starving."
"Astoria and Culla did what? And now you're friends?"
"Albus what did  you give me."
"We're happy for you. Is that so hard to believe?"
Scorpius nodded and looked at Albus. "Um.. I um.... Albus?"
Harry nodded. "We realized our differences, you guys act like you've seen a ghost." He went downstairs with the rest of the family.
Draco nodded and walked past the boys going down with Harry.
Scorpius looked at Albus confused. "What the hell?"
"I think, we need to talk to the girls."
"Vulpecula Gineva Malfoy and Astoria Hermione Malfoy get up here!" Scorpius shouted, walking out of the closet.
"Uh oh." Astroia whispered."They used our full names."
"I'm surprised they can remember mine, I can barely spell Vulpecula."
"I think we should focus on the whole, we're screwed sis."
Scorpius went downstairs crossing his arms eyeing his daughter. "Upstairs, now."
"Uh oh." Astoria muttered.
Culla frowned and walked upstairs keeping close to her sister. Scorpius followed behind walking into his and Albus room.
"I can't believe you would break the rules like this! Magic out of school? And to cast some kind of spell on your Grandparents?"
"We didn't it was Sam!"
"Astoria you weren't suppose to say!"
"We just bent the rules it was nothing."
"Girls! You can't corrupt Sam like-"
"We did it for you!" Astoria yelled, interrupting Scorpius.
"What did I tell you...." Scorpius sighed rubbing his head. "You are suppose to stay out of it."
"We were sick of it! We hate you being stressed and here you and dad can't even hold hands." Culla said.
"We just wanted a happy Christmas for once. And I know Daddy was crying over what Harry said."
Scorpius sighed and looked at Albus.
"Girls it's sweet, but please... don't get involved. If you guys do any magic through Sam it won't be a happy Christmas ok?"
"We heard what Harry said about Malfoys. That we're evil and to stay away. We just tried to fix that."
"Girls don't listen to him ok? Don't worry ok. We're fine."
"We fixed it, didn't we. Theyre friends now. They love both of you. Was what we really did so bad?"
"Go back to your aunt." Scorpius sighed sitting on the bed.
"We were just trying to..." Astoria started.
Culla got up helping her sister and going out of the room.
Scorpius laid on the bed rubbing his head.Albus sat next to him, lightly rubbing his shoulder.
Scorpius hugged him tightly and sighed, "Sometimes I forget that this affects the girls too."
Albus nodded in agreement.
"I was too hard on them huh?"
"No, what they did was wrong. But they just wanted the best for us."
"I know... you really believe your dads are magically ok?"
"I doubt Sam could have done anything too bad. He's only a kid."
"Do you think the truce will last?"
Scorpius shrugged. "Wait till next Christmas."
"As for now, dinner?"

Credit to ellienerd14 my loving twin. This is adorable and probably one of my favorites. In the future there will most likely be a part two so don't worry :) and yeah. Scorbus as parents are the cutest. Also check her tumblr @ bazwilledinflames it's on there
Stay Strange🦄

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