Chapter 6

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"I hate it here! I hate everyone!" I screamed out in frustration. Andy watched me pace around the room, not taking his eyes off me.

"I just want to kill her!" I tumbled onto my bed and face-planted into the mattress. His slender hands pulled me up and he smirk.

"Why don't you then?" he had a dark tone to his voice.

"I can't just do that. I would fuck up somewhere, somehow and I would get arrested. Then I wouldn't be able to talk to you, my family would completely off me from the family and I would have no one." I answered, giving him a look. He shrugged and wiped a tear that had fallen.

"I always talk about myself. Andy, why don't you talk to me?" I looked deeper into his light blue eyes. He took a long shallowly breath before talking.

"I'm not okay. I think I lost myself." Andy muttered so softly I could barely hear him.

"I'm don't feel sad, I don't feel anything at all." he shut his eyes for a second and I heard him sniffle. He quickly wiped his nose with the back of his hand. He went to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Andy," I said. He looked up with sorrowful eyes. "Like you said before to me, I will be there. I promise." Between the tears that rolled down his soft skin, he smiled. For the first time, he smiled at me. I wrapped my tiny arms around his waist and pulled him into me.  I felt him shake and he eventually started full-out crying on my shoulder. Every sob he took made my heart ache even more. I stayed there alongside with him. I promised myself I will be there for him.

He needed me.

I felt him loosen his grip on me and he lifted his head from my shoulder.

"I, uh.." he laughed softly. His face was inches from mine and I held my breath.

"Kiss me." I blurted out, not realizing what I said. He nodded and leaned in closer. I could feel his bottom lip on my top. Suddenly I heard my door start to rattle open. Andy pushed away and quickly ran to my closet. I sighed when the door opened and my mom appeared.

"Your father left the house again." she muttered.

"W-what do you mean he left?" I asked.

"I think he's leaving for good. He packed some suitcases and left."

"That's because you guy's keep fighting! You keep complaining about every little mistake he makes mom!" I yelled at her. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"How dare you say that? I did nothing but try to bring this family together!" she insisted.

"Are you kidding me? All you do is pull this family apart! You don't even know that your own daughter is suicidal!" I screamed and shut the door in her face. I locked it and ignore her yells. I started to push my dresser in front of the door, but I felt Andy's hand on my shoulder.

"Stop it, Danny." he commanded softly.

"Why should I? She makes me life a living hell anyways, I don't want to see her anymore! I rather burn to death than see that bitch." I yanked his hand off my shoulder. He frowned and walked towards the window.

"Where are you going?" I asked him and stopped pushing the drawer.

"Come with me I have something to show you." He said and started to crawl out. I followed him out and shut the window, leaving it a crack open.

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