You know what bugs me? When somebody is aware of the fact that the person they are trying to flirt with is taken. Top rule how to not be a slag/fuckboy: is to keep your sticky little hands OFF somebody else's partner. If two people are in a happy relationship, BACK OFF!
If you are still confused as to why flirting with happily taken partners is a negative move then I'll explain (though if your that should probably look in Sainsburys for some self respect)
(Lollipop thief: the bitch that tryna steal your boyfriend
The lollipop: your boyfriend )Ok for example you find a rare beautiful lollipop, your saving it for a special occasion and cherish this piece of art. BUT a girl is looking for a lollipop similar to yours. She sees your lollipop and is aware of the situation yet she eats it anyway.
Now imagine that's your lollipop. I know for a fact if that was my lollipop I would stick my fist down that bitches throat to regain it. How dare you try to take something that's not yours. I have spent ages looking for the one, I have invested my time, and you just stroll in like you own the GODDAMNED JOINT AND TRY TO TAKE MY MAN?!?!
Well I am sorry to break it to you boo, but he ain't interested. He knows you have had more than one lollipop in the last 24hrs because of your crusty yellow fangs.. and he doesn't go for SLUTTY LOLLY LICKERS!There are 7 Billion people in the world and you just had to choose the one you can't have. It's like they do it on purpose!
Honestly though? Why would you wanna be that girl? What does that say for the parents that raised you? There are loads of nice guys around you just need to wait and you'll find love, stop looking so hard.Anyway these are the sort of girls I hate! I'm not saying she's a cock sucking whore all I'm saying is she could impregnate someone with her saliva. Sorryyyyy ^-^

Plenty more fish in the sea
RomanceSure there might be "plenty more fish in the sea" but there are also sharks, jellyfish, squids, crabs- must I go on? Things are different now. I don't turn when I hear your name. My heart doesn't stop beating when you say mine. My face doesn't ligh...