Chapter 5

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I woke up with no one next to me in the morning. I sighed and stood up from my bed. He disappears so fast from my room, it's like he was a ghost. But that's impossible, right?

I started to get ready for school and felt someone tap on my shoulder

"Hey." his voice said.

"Holy shit, Andy! Don't scare me like that!" I quickly finished putting on the shirt. My face flushed when I realize he had seen me in my bra. He noticed fairly quickly had a slight smirk on his face.

"How long have you been standing there," I asked quickly and watched his eyes dart to the side.

"Um," he laughed softly. "Not long." he answered even though I knew he was lying.

"You watched me undress?!" I whispered, realizing that it's almost 6:30 in the morning.

"Not entirely. I, er, didn't mean to." he answered softly and reached over. He pulled out my hair from under my shirt and stared at profusely. I smiled back at him and opened the door out of my room. He followed along behind me. The wood creaked beneath our toes, making it seem even scarier to me. I felt Andy behind me, walk right next to me. I didn't want to turn the lights on in the hallway, my parents would see it. I carefully sauntered down the stairs and finally reached the kitchen. I breathed out softly and smiled back at Andy.

"Would you like something to eat?" I called him over. He was staring at some photos we had put on the walls already. I strolled over to him and stood right next to Andy.

"What happened to your family?" he interjected. I shrugged and played with the bracelets on my arm.

"My parents just started arguing and it didn't stop. I couldn't handle it." I knew tears would be rolling down my cheeks. Andy reached over and titled my chin up to him.

"Don't let your parents get to you. They don't need to understand." he implied. I stared into his eyes for what it seemed like hours.

"I know it's just hard." I bit my lip hard and turned away.

He reached out and took my hand. He held both of them and squeezed them softly.

"I will be there."

The light suddenly turned on and I saw my dad standing there. I glanced over and Andy was gone.

He must of heard my dad coming downstairs or something.

"What are you doing?" he voiced and I quickly set my hands back down.

"N-nothing. Just getting ready for school, that's all." I maneuvered my body the other way and picked up my backpack. My dad shrugged and walked back upstairs. I checked the time and rushed out the door not thinking about where Andy went.

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