Chapter 79- You're Biting Your Lip

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"I don't blame you for thinking that I forgot. I haven't exactly done anything to make you think differently. But I did promise things were going to change. And me not thinking about myself all the time is one of those things" he said moving his thumb in circles on her bare back. "The food, the people. Everything was wonderful. You didn't have to do that" she said. "You deserved it" he said. "I doubt that" she shrugged.

"Molly" he said. "No one has ever done that for me before" she whispered. "No one has surprised you. Now I can think of a couple of times that you've been surprised" he smiled. "No one has ever giving me a birthday party" she whispered. "What?" he asked. "It doesn't matter" she said. "You've never had a birthday party before?" he asked. "No" she said. "But surely you had one when you were a kid?" he asked. "I don't want to talk about this" she said trying to move back from him.

"You look gorgeous tonight" he said changing the subject. He'd save the party conversation for another day. "Ana and Anderia bought it for me. It's gorgeous" she said running a hand over the dress. "No" he said lifting her chin. "The dress is nice. You make it gorgeous" he said as he let his fingers run up and down her back. He smiled when he felt her shiver. "That's not true" she stuttered. "It's very true. You look gorgeous. Everyone said so. The dress brings out the sparkles in your eyes. All eyes were on you" he said as his right hand brushed along her arm.

"Cristiano" she whispered. "Every man's eyes were on you. You drive every man crazy" he said. "Cristiano" she whispered. "You don't know the effect you have on people" he said and he knew exactly the moment she realized the effect been this close to her was having on him. Molly's knees were shaking. Her body shivered as his finger touched her skin. As she felt him. Felt his...She bit her lip. Trying not to remember. To remember.

"I thought we did enough of things to stop you from blushing" he said stroking her rosy cheek. "I...I..." she stammered pulling back and making ti turn. He caught her arm and pulled her back sending her crashing against his bare chest. Their breathing deepen and slowed as his fingers moved up and down her back.

"Every time I looked at you tonight someone was giving you a kiss" he said and he saw he swallow and bite her lip. "Customery I guess" she whispered. He had watched all night as people hugged her. Danced with her. Touched her. Now she was in his arms. Now that he was holding her, he didn't want to stop.

"Once maybe but some looked for two. Now that's just plain greedy" he said. "Maybe" she said. "And I didn't even get one" he whispered and her head snapped up and their eyes met.

He slid his hand up her waist, brushed off her shoulder and gently rubbed the side of her neck with his thumb. He watched as her eyes shut as she titled her head as his thumb moved slowly. "What..." she asked as he lifted his finger from her neck and moved his hand to her hair. "Sssh" he whispered finding the clip that held her hair in place. His fingers shook as he pulled it out and left it drop to the floor. Her eyes followed the clip but the feeling of his fingers running through her brought her attention to his face.

"I always did like your hair like this" he smiled as he ran his finger through her loose hair. Each stroke sent Molly's heart racing faster. "I liked seeing you smile tonight" he smiled resting one arm around her waist so his fingers could stroke her back, whilst moving his other hand along her jaw line. "I'm sorry I haven't giving you much to smile about lately" he said brushing her skin. Molly opened her mouth to speak but closed it again. "You're so pretty when you smile" he whispered. "When you blush" he smiled brushing a finger over her rosy cheeks.

"Cristiano" she whispered. "Sssh" he whispered leaning his head forward. He placed a kiss on her forehead and Molly left out the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Cristiano tilted his head back and looked down at her closed eyes. He ran his thumb along her bottom lip and her eyes flew open.

She couldn't speak. She opened her mouth to speak but no words would come out. He watched as she closed her mouth, licked her bottom lip. He held his breath as her tongue darted out along her lip and bit her lip with her teeth. He wrapped his other hand around her waist and pulled her abruptly to him. He rested his head against her forehead and sighed. "You're biting your lip" he whispered before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Do you know....." he stuttered as he brushed a kiss just under her eye. "You" he whispered brushing a kiss on her cheek as his right hand moved to her her and cupped the back of her neck. Their hearts were beating fast. She could feel the tiny stubble's of his beard against her cheek before the touch of his lips on her cheek once more. She let out a gasp when he placed a kissed just at the side of her mouth. His lips brushing slightly on part of her lip. He lifted his head and stared down at her. Stared into her hazel eyes.

"Happy birthday Mols" he whispered before leaning closer.

"I want it that way" singing came from the hallway and both Molly and Cristiano jumped. He dropped his hands from her. "Tell me why" Nuno sang as he came into the kitchen. "Oh hey" he said surprised to find people in the room. "I thought you were going to bed" he said to Molly as she bent down to pick up the hair clip. "Ya..I was.. I'm going" she stuttered as Nuno looked between his cousin and Molly. "Noite" she said grabbing her coat and shoes before quickly running out of the room.

"What are you doing up?" Nuno asked Cristiano who had his back to his cousin. "Drink" Cristiano muttered picking up the glass of milk and finishing it as he hid behind the kitchen island. "Goodnight" Nuno said shaking his head. It was too late to even try and figure out what had happened in the room before he had entered.

"Night" Cristiano said and turned to watch Nuno leave. Cristiano rested his hands out straight so he was lying on it. "Shit" he said banging his fist against the counter.

Take Good Care Of My Baby-Sequel to You,Me and BabyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon