13. Out of the Fire, Into the Water

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There are moments where your body doesn't make the decisions for you, where you just act without regard to your life.

This was how I felt as I ran for the hole Steve had fallen through, while Bucky clung onto a piece of scrap metal to save his own skin.

As I was about halfway towards the hole, I found the glass shattering under my feet. Suddenly, I wasn't running on glass; I was flailing in midair. I didn't scream.

I saw Steve's body plunge into the water. I tried to angle myself close to where he landed so I could retrieve him.

I made sure to suck in all the air that I could before I slipped into the water.

The water was so cold it shocked my system. It was dark, too. The muted splashes told me the debris was falling now, too. Great. More to deal with. Steve? Please, hear me. Talk to me. Tell me that you're okay. I sifted through the dark. Please...

I shot myself up to the surface, sputtering for breath, seeing the fiery Helicarrier slowly making its way to its grave—which would be on top of me if I didn't get my ass in gear and start swimming.

I paddled away as fast as I could, my clothes soaked to my bones. Steve. Please. I need a sign. A word. I don't care what it is. It can be something stupid for all I care. Just...please. You need to be alive.

Far in the distance, ahead of me, I saw someone swimming to a piece of land. Steve? Pursing my lips, I swam after them, occasionally ducking underwater to find any sign of Steve's shield. He couldn't lose that damn thing. It was irreplaceable most likely. Gods protected the poor soul who would have to tell Captain America that his shield was lost forever.

That was permitting Captain America was alive to hear that news.

He will be. He must be unconscious. Not dead. There's a difference. But not much of one, thinking about it.

The swim felt like it went on for ages. The figures were dots in my vision since they were still far apart. Todd? I panicked when I didn't hear anything. Todd?!

You don't have to shout.

You don't have to give me a heart attack.

Good to have you back, Kiara.

Are you safe?

Working on it.

Are you all right?

I'll live. I knew you could fight it. Are you all right?

I'll let you know in a little while.

Be careful.

You too.

My limbs began to tire, and by the time I pulled myself onto shore, I almost begged to fall unconscious. What stopped me was the fact that I pulled myself onto the same piece of shore that Steve had been pulled onto by Bucky. But I didn't see him jump. When did he do that? How did he get to Steve before me?

I got on my hands and knees, inhaling much needed air. Wearily, I looked to my right to see my unconscious boyfriend, battered and cut, lying on his back. Oh Gods. My eyes found Bucky, who was staring down at Steve. If I wasn't so exhausted from the swim, I would have encased him in a circle of fire. But he's like me. He's not who Steve remembered him as. He must've undergone what I had. Conditioning. Wiping. Only I could bet my life he had been under it for much longer than I had.

He knew I was watching him: his eyes went to me. I didn't tremble before him, I had never been afraid of him. I staggered, attempted to get to my feet.

Soldier? I asked cautiously. Bucky?

It would've been a long shot had he answered me back. He remained silent on all accounts, keeping his eyes on mine. As I examined him closer, for a small second, I swore I saw what Steve had seen a few times: his old best friend, Bucky Barnes. Was this Bucky I was seeing and not the Winter Soldier?

"Not much of a talker, are you?" I said hoarsely.

Even that didn't get a peep out of him. I couldn't say that I didn't try.

I looked down at Steve. He was unconscious. He could have very well died. But he was saved, pulled from the water. Did Bucky know why he pulled Steve out and saved him? Had the real him shown up long enough to save his best friend's life? Maybe he had a moment of clarity. Is he still in that moment now?

When I looked back up, the assassin was hobbling off. I considered pursuing him, but I couldn't ignore Steve lying beside me, currently unaware that the Winter Soldier had spared him. I crawled to him, grabbed his face, and gently tapped his cheeks.

Come on, Steve, I pleaded. I know you're alive. Wake up. I'm here. I rubbed his cheeks with my thumbs. Come on, wake up, please.

I almost burst into tears when he stirred. His eyes were open very slightly, enough to tell me he was awake.

"Kiara?" he rasped.

Letting out a relieved cry, I kissed him gingerly on the mouth. "I'm here, Steve. I'm here." I tried to not run my fingers over his bruises and cuts.

"Are you hurt?"

"I'm better than you right now." I chuckled uneasily. Steve tried to move, but I shushed him. "Don't bother. You're too weak."

"Then I don't suppose this is a good time to suggest a piggyback ride?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Truthfully, I don't think I've got the strength for that." I ran my hand through his soaked hair. "I thought..."

"I saw someone pull me out."

I bit down on my lip. "Did you see who it was?"

"I thought it was..." He closed his eyes.

"It was," I said quietly. "He brought you here. He beat me to you." Todd, don't respond, just, when you find someone, tell them to send a team for us. Steve took a beating, I don't think I can make it back with us both.

"I...didn't want to believe it, when I saw you..."

"Shh." I put a hand over his mouth. "Rest. Help's coming." I forced my eyes to stay open; they were half closing on me already.

I saw a familiar chain around Steve's neck. Slowly, I edged it out, rubbing my thumb against the flame charm. I licked my lips, holding back more tears. I could have lost you. Did we know this was what we were going to face? Not arguments, but being on opposing sides, with me being abducted and tricked into fighting you?

A doubt whispered in the back of my mind. Was this going to work for us? Me being the constant damsel who found herself on the losing side of things? Steve, and our friends, having to save my ass? I knew we didn't argue much as a couple as it was, but this...?

Don't leave me, Steve thought. Even in my head, he sounded exhausted and feeble.

I wouldn't dream of it. As further proof, I laid beside him. At this point, my body was used to the clothes becoming a second skin. The dampness didn't seem to bother me anymore. I pressed my head into his neck, feeling much more at ease that I had for a while now.

"We're okay," I whispered to him. "We're going to be okay."

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