Body Swap Finale

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"You have ten minutes."

"Te-Ten minutes!?" You panicked. "This is it, I'll be a man forever! Oh, being a woman has it's perks!"

"Calm down, will you?" Laxus growled. "We'll get through this. Somehow."

"How, Laxus!? How!?"

"I don't know, but we will."

You rolled your eyes and watched the large battle in front of you. Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow appeared to be getting tired, but they still fought.

They fought for their friends. Their leader. And his girlfriend.

"Dark Écriture: Absolute Shadow!"

"Fairy Bomb: Grimlin!"

"Baryon Formation!"

"We should be fighting too." You mumbled, thinking aloud.

"We would just get in their way." Laxus sighed. "We can't use each other's magic."

"We could try."

"What?" Laxus gasped, surprised.

"Teach me how to use your magic, and I'll teach you how to use mines."

Laxus stared at you, amazed. It took him a second to snap out of it.

"Y-Yeah," He stuttered, "let's do that."

You smiled at him, but a split second later, a force pulled you back.

Your back slammed against the brick wall and you felt immobile.

"(Y/N)!" Laxus screamed your name, concerned for your safety.

"What the-" You looked at the current state that you were in and saw that you were chained to the wall.

Chains were tightly wrapped around your wrist, thighs, and neck. You looked like you were being crucified, but you were on your knees, so that's why your thighs were chained instead of your ankles.

"(Y/N)!" Laxus ran over to you, worry filling his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," You replied, "at least, for now."

"Well, I-" He was cut off by a chain claiming his wrist and pulling him back. He let out a small help as his back hit the wall. The chains wrapped around his neck, wrists, and ankles.

"Attention, opposing wizards!" The voice called out. "The lovely couple is about to have their magic completely drained from their bodies! And to make sure that you're still breathing, every now and then you'll receive a little gift." The voice chuckled, "And by the way, you have five minutes until the spell is permanent."

The Thunder Legion glanced to get a view of you and Laxus, and their eyes widened in horror.

"Laxus!" Freed shouted.

"(Y/N)!" Evergreen shouted as well.

"We've gotta hurry!" Bickslow said.

The chains on you began to glow a bright yellow color, whereas the chains on Laxus glowed a white color.

Then the realization hit you.

These chains were glowing according to your magic power. Or at least, the magic power of the person's body you're in.

You thought, or rather hoped, that the process would be slow. But no. Those chains were sucking the magic out of you at lightning speed.

You gasped for a air, trying to breathe, but you felt your life force slipping away.

Laxus x Reader: Body SwapWhere stories live. Discover now