3. Past is the pain. Future is the recovery

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In the moment. The world was still active, Babies cried, People laughed, People were welcomed into their family dinner. Although the world was still alive and well. It seemed to stop, for Gerard at least. This world wasn't for him. He belonged with Mikey. Wherever the afterlife was, that's where he belonged.

He felt the cold sharp ends of the blade for a second until the feeling seemed to slip away. Did Exe drop the blade? Was he in the afterlife? Was the blade being removed? He opened his eyes. The sight was unexpected. The tears that once dripped down Gerard's face transferred to Frank. The knife was once again right beside Frank. The tears smudged Frank's Makeup.

"What's wrong?" "Why am I not dead?" Gerard was completely confused by Franks action. "Y-you remind me of h-her...." Frank stuttered as he spoke. He lifted his hand to wipe his tears. The dry blood on his hands became wet again with the help of tears.

"I'm sorry....who's her?" The first thing that came to mind was a lover. Gerard read many books about tragic love, so naturally it was his first thought. "Why should I tell you?" Frank looked at Gerard not exactly angered but bothered. "I'm dead anyways, right?" Gerard almost sang out. Frank sighed, He wiped another tear. "She was my only friend." "You're a look like her....you almost look like her too...." "Must be the black hair and the smile..."

"Did you like her?" Gerard was now interested, He wanted to hear the story. Almost like he opened a book and couldn't wait to finish it. "Define like...." Gerard blushed slightly at the thought of love. "Did you....y'know....have a crush on her?" Frank shook his head.

"Jamia was a friend...." "She's gone now, it doesn't matter." "She wanted to go, I couldn't do anything about it." Gerard frowned. "Wanted to go?" Frank looked up. "She killed herself." "The foster home was too much for her." "She didn't fit in." "Didn't wanna be there."

Gerard started playing with his fingers. "She was your....only friend?" Said Gerard dragging out the word 'Only'. Frank nodded. Gerard smiled. "Can I be your friend?" Frank took a moment to honestly think about it. "No...." He finally answered. "I'm letting you go." "I can't kill you." "I also refuse to keep you around." "You'll only slow me down."

Gerard put his hand on the car doors handle. "You can't let the past win forever...." "Whatever your name is....you'll be happy, someday..." "The future is a beautiful place...." Gerard opened the door. Frank felt a sudden loss when Gerard stepped out of the car. A bullet to his heart. He was once again dodging possible happiness.

"Wait...my name is Exe...." "Don't forget about me...." Frank tried to keep from crying. "All you're gonna be remembered as is the man who tried to kill me but failed." Gerard looked back. Frank shook his head. "Remember me as....Frank Iero...." Gerard smiled. "Goodbye Frank...."

"No." Frank stepped out of his car. He pulled Gerard into a hug. "Your sweetness is gonna get me killed...." "Loving someone.....as a friend....family member....or a lover." "It only slows us down..." "You're my weakness..." "But for some reason I'm addicted." "Funny isn't it?" "I don't even know you." Gerard blushed.

"Frank....Loving someone isn't a weakness....love is strength..." Gerard started tearing up. "When my little brother died I realized I wasn't safe where I was...." "I left...his death gave me the strength to leave...." "Love is emotional.....but very powerful...."

Frank shook his head in disbelief. He stopped hugging Gerard. "All 'Love' did was get you into a shitty motel." Gerard laughed. "Away from all the abuse." Gerard corrected.

"So you gonna keep me around?" "Should I be your pet?" "I'm not sure Exe is gonna be so scary carrying a dog around." Gerard teased. Frank licked some dry blood off his knife to creep Gerard out. "Actually.....Exe is always pretty scary." "And his 'Dog' should watch out." "Don't make a shitty move you'll regret." "I'm dangerous." "I'm a danger to even myself."

Gerard nodded. "S-so I have to see you kill people?" Frank looked at the ground. "I'm afraid so." Gerard bit his lip. "I've never had a friend like you, Frank....." "You scare me..." "But I think I like it."

A/N: It's short and stupid but, whatever.

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