"I also want you to meet Raven if it's fine with you." I told them.

"Yeah of course we want to meet her!" Said Mavis as the other girls nodded.

'Okay ready Raven?' I asked.

'Ready.' Said Raven as I felt Raven take over my body. When she takes over my body it's like a cold breeze surrounding you.

(The regular font is Raven and the italics is Amelia.)

"Hey I'm Raven." I heard her say to them.

"Hi I'm Lily and this is Mavis and this is Clary." Said Lily as she pointed at the other girls.

"It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you of course."Said Raven.

"Is it true that you used to be evil?" Asked Mavis.

"Yes it's true. But as Amelia told you, I am good and not evil. I may act reckless and crazy I'm still a good person." Said Raven as she sighed.

"Why did you become good?" Said Lily.

"Well it's because Amelia showed me that being good is better than bad. I've seen and felt much pain over the years. It's very horrible indeed." Said Raven.

"By how you said,'you've seen and felt pain over the years' you saw Amelia's family die?" Asked Clary.

"Yes. Whatever Amelia sees I can see,whatever ever she feels I feels,etc." Replied Raven.

"What was it like? To witness their death?" Asked Mavis.

"It was horrible.Horrible indeed. Amelia was very sad and depressed about it. Amelia's pain was too strong. Her depression vibe made me tired. Which is why I get tired all the time. Amelia was also depressed even before the incident happened."Said Raven.

'No...no Raven don't tell them please. Please! I don't want them to know.' I told Raven.

I didn't want to tell them yet. Not yet.

"Why was she depressed before the incident?" Asked Lily.

No no no no no!!!

"Before she came to this school she used to go to this wizard school in New York.Amelia stayed with her aunt.She used to abuse Amelia.There were deep deep scars in her back.Amelia's aunt would always get drunk and do bad things to her. It was horrible.Amelia was too scared to tell her mother. The aunts' boyfriend would come over and abuse her as well. One night he-" Said Raven as she paused knowing I didn't want anyone to know. But I knew she was gonna tell them any way.

"What did he do Raven?" Said Mavis worriedly.

"He-,he r-raped her."Replied Raven.

I then cried. I cried so much,tears started coming out of Ravens/my eyes.Raven then touched them and had a sad expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Asked Clary.

"It's Amelia.She's crying." Replied Raven.

The girls had sad expressions on their faces and Lily started crying a bit.I could hear her quiet sobs as she tries her best to hide them.

"I don't understand.Why didn't she tell us?" Said Mavis.

"It's because she was worried.She was scared to tell you." Said Raven as she looked down in shame.

"But why tell us?Why couldn't Amelia tell us instead?" Said Lily.

"Amelia would've been too scared to tell anyone. She thinks you guys would hate her." Said Raven.

"But we would never hate her." Said Lily.

"I know that.The reason why I'm telling you this is because Amelia would be too scared to tell you. I have been with her all my life and I'm glad she found some people that's like family to her." Said Raven as she smiled.

The girls smiled as well but I knew they were still sad.

"I suppose you want Amelia right now don't you?" Said Raven.

"Yeah but it was nice chatting with you though. You're not too bad." Said Clary.

Raven grins and says," you're not to bad yourself toots." Raven then winked and everyone chuckled.

"Until next time." Said Raven as she did a small wave.

I then felt myself slowly coming back to my body as I then open my eyes once again.

As I seen them tears started coming out even more. My once clear eyes now became misty. It was so blurry that I could tell who I was in front of.

As I started sobbing, I felt someone hug me. As I wiped my eyes I already knew it was Lily. I smiled and hugged her back.

I looked to see the other girls and they were crying as well. I laughed and told to get over here.(that Mortal Combat reference tho! No? Ok...)

"Why didn't you tell me?" Asked Lily.

I paused and looked down at my lap. As I looked back up I thought for a second and said," I-I was too scared. I didn't want anyone to know. It hurt too much to talk about it."

Lily nodded and said,"Tomorrow after breakfast we have to go shopping for our dresses!"

I paused for a second." Dresses for what?" I asked.

"What? You didn't know? We're having a ball on Monday. They thought since we've been working too hard we have a day off on Monday and have a school dance." Replied Lily.

"Clary, Mavis did you know about this?" I asked.

They shook there head for a sign of 'no'.

"Okay ladies! Let's get to bed now!" Said Lily.

As we all got in our own beds I thought today had gone well.

'Thank you Raven. For everything.' I said to her as I was about to fall asleep.

'No.Thank you.For everything.' I heard Raven say as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Bullied By the Marauders जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें