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Do you ever just look at your best friend whilst there are stalking the guy they like and just wonder what the fuck is going on through their brain? Yeah me too. My best friend (Michelle) had a super huge crush on this guy 2 years above us in secondary school (he is called Alex). I understand she likes him that cool, but this girl goes to another level.

It started with her just seeing him around school in year 7. When she moved up a year she discovered that a boy in her year (Elliot) was Alex's cousin. She went out with Elliot after gaining a friendship and genuinely caught feelings for him. Elliot gave Michelle Alex's number to call incase his didn't go through.
                   ~~A month later~~
Elliot text me the next month claiming to have lost feeling for Michelle and that he was going to break up with her I felt bad but as my duty as a best friend I had to discuss the matter. After this incident they broke up, but after she was over the break up she became obsessed with Alex. Michelle found social media sites of his. She saved pictures of him to her phone and constantly checked if he'd updated His Facebook profile when I was round her apartment.

It started to get weirder and weirder though. She started ringing him and would pretend to know him, he would sound puzzled and scared. When we were at school we'd have to go to his "hangout points" she'd stare at him with an odd grin on her face like a mass murdered until he left. As a result of this her friends started to become weary of her and kept a distance.

It got too much at one point, and I stopped seeing her for a while after she had followed him home (I was just so confused) We became friends again when she had calmed down a bit (I mean she memorised his phone number, but I explained to her why that was creepy)

She doesn't follow him home anymore, and she doesn't watch him at much . Though she still stalks him to this day and he STILL doesn't know who she is.

It just goes to show .. You never know who's watching you. 👀

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