Gangster Love (Part Eighteen)

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I'm so sorry i've taken sooooooo long to upload this but i've had a writers block, i just didnt know what to write but this is what i've com eup with, i hope you enjoy. P.S Grab your box of tissues now x 


I sat at the kitchen table with my head in my hands, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t speak I just didn’t know what to do with myself. I couldn’t believe I had just done that, I couldn’t believe that It was all over in a flash.

I wanted to be sick, I wanted to haul myself into a dark room and cry myself to sleep. Suddenly crying from upstairs brought me back to reality, and I realised that a little persons life depended on me and no matter how much pain I was in I was going to have to be there for him no matter what.

As I walked upstairs I was expecting to see Rion in the room holding him and shaking him, telling me his ok. But I knew he wouldn’t be, he was gone and this time I actually believed he was gone for good.

I picked up DJ and I sat down and I breastfeed him, when he was done I burped him and I put him back into his cot to sleep.

I then headed for the bathroom where I got into the bath and had a long soak while crying my heart out. I cried soo much my eyes had swelled up, everything inside me felt numb.

In the days to come things didn’t get any better, I was feeling even more miserable day by day.

On the following Monday Flawless called, he told me to come and meet him at the park at around mid- day I was excited to see him at least it would give me a chance to do something other than think about my current situation, Flawless always made me feel better and I loved him for that.

At 20 to 12 I dressed little Drake in his baby grow and his small hat and then got myself ready and walked to the park, when I got there I called Flawless to see where he was he said he was walking towards the park now.

So I took a seat on the nearest bench to the entrance so he could see me when he entered the park and waited.

As I waited I watched a couple and their toddler play football on the grass. A small tear slid down my cheek as it reminded me of me and Rion, everyday since he had left I asked myself if I had made the right decision to let him go, and as the days went by I regretted my decision more and more.

As I sat in deep thought watching the couple play, Flawless entered the park and took a seat beside me.

Flawless- How’s DJ?

Me- His good, how’s you and Kyla?

Flawless- Good, as always.

Me- That’s good.

Flawless- How’s Clumzy?

Me- I don’t know, me and Rion are not together anymore.

Flawless- I heard you weren’t together, but I refused to believe it. I called you here because I wanted to hear it from your own mouth.

 Kemmie your an ungrateful b**ch, everything Clumzy has done has been for you, he didn’t have a reason to kill Shantay other than the fact that she hurt you. 

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