Chapter 31 She Lives in a Fairy-tale; They were Goddesses part 1

Start from the beginning

        Pushing those thoughts away, she turned from the window, and once again, fumbled with the books on the floor. They fueled her with a spur of anger, making Isabel kick some of them away from her feet, until the heaviest one was left. Like in any uncanny situations, she felt the skin on her back tremble with anticipation. Had she found the book she was looking for?

       With haste, Isabel knelt down and opened the book, recognizing it well. It was the book that spoke about the dismantling of the largest Wiccan coven that ever existed. Curious as to what Fate had in store for her, Isabel read a random page.

        'The breaking down of the IGG—the Institute for Gifted Girls­­—was marked as one of the most important turning points in Wiccan history. The collateral damage it had on the world of Immortals was colossal. Individually, each sister on the face of this realm was to fight for their own lives and place amongst the humans. There would be no pledge, no covenant and no camaraderie. The Rede acknowledged this, and allowed for them to seek their own personal gain. Survival of the fittest was to be the tenet for a witch.

        Judgment was passed after the Great War, known as the War of the Fifth. The Vampiric Rise captured too much unwanted attention, and although the pact was upheld by the Wiccans, angelic intervention became inevitable. With the peace treaty between werewolves and witches, both races learnt to collaborate with one another. The wolves learnt of the Anima, whereas the Wiccans gained their adaptable skills to their favor.     However, as vampires warred against the races and used both humans and witches for their firepower, the World of the Living fell into a dark period. It became self-evident that the treaty did not suffice to quell the vampires, which led to the ultimate sacrifice.

        The daughter of the Matriarch and head of the IGG, maiden Liara Leese Hallow rose to power during the final attempt to end the war. She summoned the ultimate Wiccan item—an artifact that had been banished from this world by the Angel of Death—the Book of Shadows. Her Anima awakened and took host amongst her partner, a rogue vampire. Together, they put an end to the War of the Fifths, but the IGG suffered a great deal of loss.

        After the war, came the consequences; the IGG lost its stability and the Angels banished the book along with its host into the nether realm. The werewolves scattered throughout the globe due to the Angels claim on every pack and clan of their true Flower Maiden Prodigies, destroying the treaty—and lastly, the Vampiric Houses were no more. Every being and race that partook in the war received punishment by the Angels, creating a constant dread of their omniscience over the world.

        It became a unanimous law that the Anima and the Book of Shadows was to never again be brought into the World of the Living.'


       Before Isabel could assess what she read, the sound of a cat interrupted her thoughts. She casually turned her head to the side, and saw an enormous Persian black feline sitting on the window sill with a piece of paper in its mouth. Her blue eyes widened in shock; it was the same animal from before.

        Avoiding any hasty actions, Isabel stared at the cat, cautiously putting her hands on the floor in case of a needed impulse.

        'What could this thing want now?'

        The cat lazily put down the paper in its mouth and yawned, scratching away at its head for fleas. When this happened, Isabel decided to not wait any longer, and she sprinted towards the animal, a futile attempt. The cat was nimble—like any other feline—for it turned and jumped away, allowing the night to engulf it once more.

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