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"Mom I gotta go what do you want?!" I yell throughout the house.

"Don't forget to do the dishes when you get home!" She says.

"I'm aware you told me a thousand times already." I say rolling my eyes.

"Just making sure you remembered. Have a good day sweetie." She says.

"No promises." I say walking out the front door.

I rummage through my bag and finally find my keys. I unlock my car, get in, and once I start it I start blasting some music.

See nights like this I wish that the rain would faaall. Would faaaaaaall.

I pull up to the school and once I get out I regret not faking being sick. I walk in and go down to my locker.

"Hey Darie!" My friend Alyssa says.

"Hey Lyss what's up." I say hugging her.

"Not much man. Have you seen the new kid?"

"New kid? Who would want to come to our school it sucks."

"I don't know but he's super attractive. People are saying that he has a twin but I haven't seen him."

"You probably have and just didn't notice." I say laughing.

"You right." She says as the bell rings. "I'll see ya later."

"See ya." I say, shutting my locker. I start walking to my class and I bump into someone.

"My bad."

"Sorry. Hey can you help me find the office? I'm kinda new here." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure." I say. I'm always late to first period anyways.

We get up to the office and I ask him what his last name was, since our guidance councilors are based on our last names.

"Dolan." He says.

"Ok you have Mrs. Nixon. Same as me." I say.

"Cool! Um can you come in with me? Sorry that sounds weird never mind." He says rubbing his neck again.

"No sure it's fine. Ill get a late slip." I say, leading him to her office.

"Hello Mrs. Nixon?" I say knocking on the door.

"Come in!" She says.

"Hi, I'm not in here for me, he's a new student and wanted me to come in with him." I say.

"Okie dokie. What's your name hun?" She asks putting on her glasses and looking at her computer.

"Grayson Dolan." He says.

"Well Mr. Dolan I see you signed up to shadow someone, is that correct?" She asks.

"Yes it is. I was just wondering who it was."

"It seems to be Miss Anderson!" She says looking at me.

Well this is gonna be interesting....

Ayeee first chapter is uppppp.

I hope you guys like this book cuz I'm thinking that you will. If not then....oops.

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