Chapter One

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                                                              Chapter One

Two Weeks Later

" Do you like it " he said as we pulled into the drive way of his four story dream house.

" I've seen better " I lied. I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much I loved his house. It's the best house I've ever seen in my life, and I've only seen the outside.

" You don't have to lie. " he said. I just sat there amazed not knowing how to respond.

" Oh, I almost forgot. The rules. "

" The rules " I said " first you force me to live with you and know there are rules "

" Don't stress, its just a few basic rules. First rule, if you want to invite someone over please inform me first. Second rule, don't go in my office "

" What's in your office " I asked

" Nothing you need to be worried about. Now rule three, you must be up and ready by 6:30 every morning "

" Why " I asked

" So you can help me get ready by 7:30 so we can eat breakfast and be on our way to work by 8. " he informed me

" Let me guess you want me to make you breakfast too " I teased

" No, my chef Lucy does that for me. Rule four, if my girlfriend  comes over, you become her assistant too. So if she wants something you do it for her, got it "

" Got it " I replied

" Oh and one more thing. I eat dinner at 8:30 every night, if you wish to join me "

" I'll keep that in mind " I lied

" Great, now let's go in so I can show you around "

" Um, can we sit out here for a couple more minutes, I really like this car " I said and its true I really do like his car. It's a yellow Lamborghini with the butterfly doors you see in music videos.

" You. Know what, if you really like it that much you can keep it. " he said and tossed me the keys.

"Really thanks " I said and pulled him into a hug which lasted a little too long.

When we finally pulled apart, we got out my new car and he led me inside his home.


" This is the dinning room " he said as he led me to a big grand room with one long table that looked like it could fit about fifty people.

As he was leading me out of the dinning room and into the kitchen, his phone started ringing.

" Hello...... Yes this is him........okay I'll be there in a minute "

When he hung up I said " before you leave could you show me my room. I don't want to get lost "

" Of course, right this way " he said and led me into a room that was the size of my old apartment.

" This is a bedroom " I asked shocked

" No it's the bathroom " he joked

" That's not funny " I said

" Actually it is. It's time for me to go but if you want something to eat the kitchen is all yours. "

" I think I'm just going to finish unpacking tonight " I told him

" Alright just call if you need anything " he said and slipped out the room leaving me alone to unpack.

I walked to the side of my bed to pick up my suitcase when I noticed how light it was.

To my surprise when I unzipped it, none of my stuff was in there. I started freaking out and pacing around, I was even going to call Cameron until I finally got myself together and looked in the drawers and jewelry box.

All my stuff was there, including the necklace my dad gave me before he died and a note from Cameron that said:

I've already unpacked for you, so get some sleep because I'm putting you to work tomorrow.

- cam

PS. Nice underwear

I couldn't help but blush, my boss saw my underwear. Maybe it wouldn't be so embarrassing if Laurence saw them but Cameron, he looks like a model, with his light blonde hair and dark blue eyes. When someone looks that good, it's hard not to blush at everything they say and do like yesterday when -

No, Sam you can't afford to think like that, he's your boss and that's all he will ever be.

All of a sudden my stomach started growling so I was going to head to the kitchen when I heard Cameron come in and he was talking to someone on the phone about stock exchange. Not wanting to disturb I decided to wait in my room until I couldn't hear him anymore.

When it sounded like it was clear, I made my way to the kitchen.

" Hey " I heard as I was finding something to eat in the fridge. I jumped from shock to see Cameron behind me shirtless and in his boxers with two boxes of pizza.

" Sorry, didn't mean to scare you but I saw the light in your room was still on and I figured you'd be hungry " he continued

" Um yeah " was all I managed to say. I was still in shock at the site of Cameron King.

" You okay Samantha "

" Um yeah " was all I managed to say again.

" Good let's eat " he said and sat on the counter and offered me a piece.

" Can we eat in the dinning room " I asked

" it's so much nicer on the counter though " he joked and motioned me to sit next to him.

" Can I call you Sam " Cameron said out the blue

" Sure " I replied

" Sam, do you have a boyfriend "

" No, why " I asked

" I wouldn't want this to be awkward " he said

" For what to be - "  before I could finish Cameron  passionately kissed me . I pushed away and looked into his eyes and saw how much he wanted me but I knew I could never have him. So I hopped of the cabinet and went straight to my room.

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