chapter 35

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his gorgeous black car pulled up my drive way and parked. alex immediately got out of the car and ran for the front door to our house. 

i really do not want to go out in the rain again. I'm still not dry from the ten minute drive from the school to my house. i sighed and put my hand on the door handle. i swung the door open and ran towards the door. 

alex was already inside and the door relocked itself. we have a code pad to unlock it, but dad says its only for emergencies. thats why we have our own keys. 

i reach for my bag, but its not hanging over my shoulder. i turn around and hunter was standing right in front of me. we were so close it was uncomforatable. he awkwardly handed me my bag. 

i thanked him and turned around to open the front door and walk in the warm household. hunter grabbed my wrist and turned me around. 

i thought.. no. i hoped.. he was going to kiss me.

but instead he pulled me into a hug. he smelled so good. why cant he be mine? why does it have to be so complicated? oh yeah. because that's life.

he pulled away and leaned down to kiss my forehead. 

it was a sweet gesture and it was adorable for him to do it.. but i'm being greedy and want him to kiss me on the lips. 

he turns around and walks back to his car. he opens the door, but i stop him before he gets in. 

"what are you going to do for the rest of the day?" i asked.


"you spent all that time arguing with your dad so you don't have to go back to school for the day. what are you going to do with all that time? all of your friends are at school.. you have no one to hang out with. why go through all that trouble to be alone for the rest of the day?"


i  nod. 

"i was hoping you would let me hang out with you" he said.

i felt the blush burn on my cheeks. i looked down to try and hide it. i couldn't help but smile at his words. he wanted to hang out with me. me. 

"so..?" he asked. i looked up, horrified, i was standing there looking at the ground and smiling. 

"uhh.." i stuttered. 

"its okay. i wasn't expecting you to just bring me inside and watch movies and eat junk and.. cuddle"

i almost laughed at his awkardness while saying 'cuddle'.

"i'll just go. i'm sorry" he said.

"no, wait" i ran back out in the rain and put my hand in the door so he couldn't shut it.

he looked at me with hope filling in his eyes. i sigh but smile. "would you like to come in?" i asked and he smiled.

"i would love nothing more" he said. the blush burned again and i looked down. 

he got out of the car and stood in front of me. he brought my face back up and smiled. "you don't have to hide your blush from me" he said. it made me blush more.

he chuckled and picked me up. "lets get you inside before you get any wetter" he said.

my mouth formed an O and my eyes widened. i slapped his arm and he laughed and carried me in the rain for the third time. 

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