chapter 25

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Jaime's POV

I woke up in my bunk and groaned because there so uncomfortable. I felt a body move next to me and I completely froze. I slowly looked next to me to see Katie laying naked next to me, then last night all came rushing back to me. fuck fuck fuck.

I bumped into Katie at a random bar last night, we got talking and I guess it just went on from there. The one thing that makes it worse was that I wasn't drunk or anything, it just.. happened. I feel like a complete douchebag right now, I've completely screwed everything up. I sat up slightly then I felt Katie stir a bit. She opened her eyes and smiled, I gave her a weak smiled back.

"Morning handsome, I had fun last night" She smiled.

"Yeah.." I trailed off.

"I'm hungry, lets go get some food" She suggested, I just shrugged my shoulder. She then got dress as did I then we went to the front of the bus, scared for what the guys are going to say, or do for that matter.

Unfortunately all the guys were sitting at the table, I was hoping they weren't there so I could quickly get rid of her but nothing goes easy for me. When they saw me with Katie next to me they all gave me the dirtiest looks ever, I just looked down in shame. Tony looked like he was about to kill me because he cared for Ellie so much. I heard Katie's phone buzz, she looked at it and smiled.

"I have to go Hime baby, my friend is outside to pick me up, call me sometime, I had so much fun" She smiled and winked. I cringed when she called me 'baby'. She went to kiss my lips but I moved my head so she kissed my cheek instead. Then she left. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

"What the actual fuck Jaime?!" Tony shouted loudly at me, if looks could kill I would be a dead man.

"I fucked up, I know" I sighed.

"Did you even think about Ellie's feelings at all?" He shouted and clenched his fists. I've seriously never seen him as angry as this in all the time I've known him, he looks so scary for such a shy guy.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did it" I said in shame.

"I could seriously kill you right now" He growled angrily and walked off to his bunk to calm down before he did something he would regret. I just stood there like a complete idiot, Mike and Vic just looked like they were ashamed of me, which I knew they were. I sighed heavily.

"I fucked up bad didn't I?" I asked to no one particular, I knew the answer anyways.

"You sure did" Mike replied plainly.

"What do I do now?" I asked helplessly.

"You have to tell her Hime" Vic said.

"It'll kill her though Vic" I said sadly. It's true though, if I tell her that I slept with my ex girlfriend she will be heartbroken.

"If you don't, one of us will Jaime and it'll be worse if she heard it from someone other than you" Vic told me and I knew he was right. I then heard a loud crash coming from the bunks which startled all of us.

"I'll go calm turtle down" Mike sighed as he left to the bunk area.

"H-how do I tell her Vic?" I asked desperate for Vic's advice, he's always good with words.

"That's what you have to figure out buddy" He patted my shoulder, that's not useful at all. Then I had an idea, I might be a bad idea but I need to tell her before she finds out from someone else..

Ellie's POV

I woke up with my face feeling stiff from the dried tears on my face from last night. I hated what I did. How do I tell Jaime?

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