Chapter 21: i want you to stay

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Gia's POV:
When me and Livia got back to my house she went straight to the bathroom to clean her face up.

I didn't see beck anywhere? But his car was in the drive way so he has to be hear.
So I go up to his room and softly knock on his door.
I didn't hear him say anything but, so I just walked in.

When I walked in I saw him sleeping soundly in his bed,
BUT with a girl...?

'I walk over and I hit beck on the side of his face.

'He mumbled.

'I shout.

"What's going on?
'He groans.

"I need to talk to you.

"Why?? I'm sleeping sis.

'Suddenly the girl that was sleeping next to him woke up. Now I could totally see what she looked like.. not going to lie she was pretty... but that not the POINT right now.
'I say to myself.

"Come on beck! We need to talk

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"Come on beck! We need to talk.
'I repeat

"Ugh fine! WHAT?
'He says looking at me.

"Can we talk in the hall please?
'I say pulling his arm.

"Umm ok??
'He says walking out into the hall with me.

"First of all who is SHE beck?

"My girlfriend...
'He answers rubbing his eyes.


"Yep! Her name is Cassie.

"Ok.. but that still doesn't explain anything beck!

"Ok listen... remember when I use to say I would be going to parties and stuff?


"Well I actually wouldn't... I would be at Cassie's house.

"Why would you lie to me beck? You could have just said where you were going I would have understood.

"Yea I know...

"WAIT, then why would you come home and be drunk?

"Oh that's because me and Cassie would drink at her place.


"Hey beck...
'Livia says holding a piece of tissue up her nose.

"Umm what happened to her?
'He asks me.

"It's a long story!
'I answer.

"I think I need to go to the hospital Gia...
'She says.

'I ask.

"I think Meghan broke my nose..

"MEGHAN? You mean your friend Meghan?
'Beck says with confusion.

FIGHT FOR LOVE.../ marlie fanfic Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora