"Shut the fucķ up Sirus! You know nothing about me!" I say and immediately I regret those words coming out my mouth.

Not the fact that Sirus that might actually know everything about me because he has been watching my every move for twenty years but in the tone I just spoke to him will give him the chance to strike at me again.

Sirus raises his eyebrows then looks at Whitney. "You want to take this one?"

"With pleasure." She grins deviously.

He walks over to me once again and shoves me into a corner away from Sophia. Whitney has the whip in her hand this time, her grin on her face not leaving for one second as she looks at me along with Sirus.

Before I can beg for mercy, she strikes the leather whip against my bare skin. An ear-piercing scream escapes from my mouth from the burning sensation along with tears flowing freely down my face in pain.

'I promised your dear mother that when I get hold of you, I will make sure she suffers ten times worse than I what I did to her'

That goes through my mind as Whitney continues to strike me with the whip continuously, shouting out hateful things that she has kept to herself for the past two years. She has become Sirus's puppet and there is no way she can stop.

This has become my fate – facing the horrific past of my dear mother.

By the time she finishes, she drops the whip on the floor next to her. "God that felt great." She says sweetly but I am unable to look up as I continue to weep but mainly the fact that my whole body is numb from the excruciating pain of stinging.

"Welcome to my world honey." Sirus says to Whitney and I can hear the happiness clear in his voice.

"Carmelita." I hear Sophia shudder through her cries.

I continue lying on the cold concrete ground, crying more than I probably cried in my whole life in fear and pain caused by people who have no decent bone in their body.

Finally Sirus has broken the Carmelita that held her ground. I am so scared and hurt right now that I am so vulnerable to Sirus to do absolutely do anything to me.

At this moment, I am desperate to go back home where I am safe.

"My sweet Carmelita, we are not Zayn. You can't talk to us like you want to but I think that now you got the message hmm? No more snide remarks about any of us." Sirus murmurs, touching my aching shoulder that has been freshly whipped.

"Same goes to you Sophia."

All of a sudden, the shrill of someone's phone goes off, interrupting the four of us. "Hello?" Sirus answers.

"Why hello there Liam! How are you my dear friend?!" He says excited. Finally, I peak my head up slightly, having a bit of hope that they are going to get us out here very soon.

"Like I told you, don't leave your precious girls unattended. So far we had quite a bit of fun, haven't we Carmelita?" The bastarđ teases while smirking.

You are going to be killed soon.

"Good luck with that. I can assure you that your pathetic gang stands no chance against me." Sirus laughs hysterically.

"Ooh feisty. Sure, speak to your worthless bítch." He walks over to Sophia and holds the phone against the ear while she talks to Liam.

As much as I am angry towards Zayn, all I am wanting is to hear his soothing voice through this troubled time.

"It's not your fault. Just please come as soon as possible." Sophia murmurs through her cries which make me cry more.

None of the guys must think it's their fault. The only person who is responsible for this mess is Whitney and she will pay for what she has done.

Bad Blood // Z.M A.UUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum