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Okay so you could say I'm useless at fishing in other words..DATING!! I hate falling in love (of course it's a great feeling but it never lasts). Lemme just give you guys a definition of love:
Love; " a strong feeling of affection".
Now affection is also known as fondness, and you can never be to fond when your inlove, for example: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
ŠtupidJenny: "OMFG I love this boy soooo much! We are going to be together forever 😍🙏🏼"
SmartHolly: "Aw I'm happy for you but don't be too fond of him"
ŠtupidJenny: "I am already really fond (affectionate) for him don't worry about me".
~~1 day later~~
ŠtupidJenny: "Omfg he broke up with me for slutty Susan 😭 we were going out for a whole week I don't understand😭💔
Now that ⬆️⬆️⬆⬆️⬆️ Is why
I hate people that are fond when they are inlove 🙄

It's so annoying when your friend goes on a date and you can tell that they didn't have any chemistry because their date is in love with themselves 😒
My friend went on a date with this guy called Liam, they started off at the zoo I remember her saying she was "DIEINGGG" to see the pandas (the reason they are SO cool?? You cannot be racist to them because they are Black, white and Asian!☺️)  but Liam continued to rush Ellie the reason being he had a hair appointment he couldn't miss.

Now okay let me just pause you there
You do not take a girl on a first date, RUSH HER, and then tell her she ain't seeing that panda if you are at the zoo.
You don't see a girl taking you to a football game and then not letting you see the end because she is getting her nails done!

Seriously guys come one buck up 😩

I went on a date with this boy called Kieran, he left me sitting alone at a park table in the park for an extra half an hour because he saw a tree he simply "had" to meditate under. Alone

  I give up 💅🏻

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