Body Swap Part 2

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"(F/N)!" A voice shouted.

It sounded distant, as if it was an entire country away.

"Laxus!" Another voice shouted.

A moment later, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Hmm?" You groaned in a groggy manner. You opened your eyes, giving them time to adjust to your surroundings. Once you could see clearly, you saw Freed and Bickslow kneeling on each side of you (Freed on your right and Bickslow on your left), staring down at you.

"Laxus, are you okay?" Freed asked.

"Wha-" You gasped, burrowing your eyebrows together. "What's the matter with you?" You snapped, "Why are you calling me Laxus?"

"Uh . . ." Freed looked confused; as did Bickslow. "Because you are Laxus."

"Yeah, dude." Bickslow teased, "I think you hit your head a little too hard in the fall."

"What are you talking about?" You growled in frustration. "It's me, (F/N)! Remember me?"

"(F/N)?" Freed repeated. "But (F/N) is," He turned and pointed across the grassy field. "over there."

Across the field was an unconscious body with Evergreen kneeling next to it.

You shifted your body, trying to sit up, when you realized that your body was WAY heavier than it was earlier.

"No way!" You gasped, looking down.

You were in a man's body.

Looking up and across the field, you finally saw your body lying unconscious next to Evergreen.

"Why am I looking at my body?" You said in a daze.

"What do you mean?" Bickslow grunted.

You opened your mouth to reply, but then your body began to stir.

"(F/N)!" Evergreen gasped, almost overflowing with happiness.

You narrowed your eyes, observing the scene closely.

"What the-" The other you said.

"Oh, (F/N), I'm so glad you're ok!" The Fairy Mage hugged the other you tightly.

"Wha-" The other you gasped, struggling to get out of Evergreen's grip. "Get off of me! And why are you calling me (F/N)?"

"What do you mean?" Evergreen asked.

"What's wrong with your eyes, Ever? It's me, Laxus!"

"Laxus?" Evergreen looked at you. The other you followed suit and eventually locked eyes with you.

"Who the heck are you?" 'Laxus' asked, skeptical.

"Who do you think it is, numbskull?" You growled.

"(F/N)!" Laxus' eyes widened.

"Is anybody else confused?" Bickslow asked, mainly to Freed and Evergreen.

"Guys, as crazy as it sounds, I think Laxus and I switched bodies." You stated.

"SWITCHED BODIES!?!" The trio exclaimed in panic.

"Story of my life." Laxus mumbled.

"What did you say?" You growled, though it came out as Laxus' voice so it was way scarier than you intended it to be.

"Woah," Laxus flinched, "do I really sound like that?"

"Yes." Everyone answered in unison.

"I just remembered something." You stated. "Where's Destiny?"

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