Chapter Seven

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I looked around my room in a state of sheer panic. After school, I had insisted Alexander take me home - my family home. I was worried she was wearing out my welcome, but he had refused. After a small argument, and some mediating on Alec's part, Alexander had finally agreed to at least take me back so that I could grab a few necessary items.

Before, what I wore had never really been something I thought about when Alexander was around. Now, I felt like I should look nice, or at least presentable, at all times. I wasn't sure when his father would be back and I didn't want to be unprepared in case he came home early. Currently, I was staring into my closet like it was a lost cause.

"You coming, Riley?" Alexander's voice called from somewhere downstairs.

"Be down in a minute!" At least I hoped I would be. Finally, I gave up and packed my favorite clothes, underwear, pajamas, a few pair of shoes, and other necessary items. At the last second I grabbed a few of the nicer things I owned and packed them as well. I looked around my nearly abandoned room to make sure I had everything I would need for a few more days (I could always come back) when my eyes focused on the framed mirror on my dresser. The dark hooded figure from the graveyard and my dream stood behind me in front of the window.

My body was frozen. I wanted to scream, to call out to Alexander and Alec downstairs. I wanted to run away, yet my feet were glued to the ground. Every muscles in my body was tensed as I felt myself gradually growing colder. Soon, my breath came out in soft puffs of white smoke. I watched through the mirror as the figure moved around my bed and came to stand directly behind me.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. You're body is simply frozen so that we can have a little chat." His voice came from directly in her my sending chills racing across my chilled skin and down my spine.

"W-why are you doing this?" I shivered the words out, finally finding my voice. Even if it was weak.

"Because it's difficult to manipulate your dreams when he is near you." He? He must have been talking about Alexander. We hadn't been sleeping in the same bed, but he had stayed with me every night until I had fallen asleep. Then he took care of the things he couldn't during the day and caught a little sleep before I woke up. "And the only time I came to you in person, you fled and ran directly into his arms. He keeps you close and it is difficult to find a window of opportunity such as this one."

"B-but why? What d-do you want with m-me?" I hated how fragile my voice sounded but I was freezing and had no control.

"I have the information you want. About the marking on your face." The hooded man moved to stand in front of me, his gloved finger lightly tracing along my skin where the mark would have been under the light of the moon. "It is a mark of royalty meant to tell others of your status." I opened my mouth to ask what he meant but he cut me off before I got the chance. "You will listen. The time for questions will come. Now, I am aware you were not born a human princess and that your human blood has no power within it. I, however, am not referring to the mortal part of your blood. Rather, I am referring to the part of yourself he has only begun to awaken. It will soon become apparent what you are." He paused for a moment to gently brush my bangs from my eyes. "There is power within your blood. When the time has come and you understand what you are capable of, there will be little you cannot accomplish. Let me warn you, however, that your powers will be unique. It will take time to master them."

A few moments of silence passed and I could feel his hidden eyes burning into mine. "The mark will soon spread. If your heart still beats when it reaches it, there will be nothing to save you. Your blood will turn on you and you will die a mortal death." In a flash, the dark figure was gone and my knees gave out on me. I fell to the floor in a heap shivering and gasping for breath. "Heed my words, young one." His voice came as a whisper.

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