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Okay you guys deserve an update!


(Y/N) = Your Name

(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

(F/C) = Favourite Color

(S/F/C) = Second Favourite Color

(Fu/C) = Fur Color


//(Y/N)'s POV\\

I woke up In Laurence's bed only to hear bickering outside, I sniffed the air, another cat was here, I slowly walked towards the door, opening It I changed forms, I ran out to the front room, there sat a purple, black and white cat with amber red eyes and a sweater on. I slowly padded up to the cat, sniffing It, It was clearly a female. "Who are you?" I mowed out, the cat looked surprised before giving off a small cat smile. "(Y/N), It's me, Aphmau." The cat mowed, I smiled only to have my ears perk up at the sound of the vet, Aphmau seemed alerted too, they were talking about her, I cringed hearing Garroth bathed Aphmau, If only he knew It was her... Aph jumped up and raced for Dante's room. "Wait up!" I mowed after her, If they planned on taking us to the vets office I am out!! Hearing the breaking of Dante's window, I raced Into his room and jumped out of the window as well, following Aph. "Th-They were planning to neuter me!" Aph cried out In a panic, I padded up to her, sustaining a hiss at the cold winters snow. Rubbing my head along her side, she calmed a bit. "C'mon, we can try to find someone to help you out of this," I laughed, padding along the snow as Aphmau followed. We soon stopped, hearing the footsteps of someone approaching, It was Zane. I smiled at Aph. "Go and follow my brother, he won't hurt you, I'm going to go hide at Aaron's.... I AINT GOING TO THE VETS!!!" I yowled, running the other direction, towards Aaron's house, I could hear Aph's laughing behind me as I ran. My long (Fu/C) fur blew In the wind as I ran, hissing at the snow as I final saw Aaron's house In my sight. I urged myself to go faster as I finally reached his lawn, I practically sprung my way towards the stairs, hating the cold snow under my pawpads. I leapt up his steps before flopping over and panting. "Oh Irene, Aaron pleaser be home!" I mewed to myself as I shakily stood, I looked towards the doorbell, my (E/C) orbs shining as I leapt up and practically rammed It with my paw, the doorbell rang as I could soon here faint footsteps. The footsteps got closer and closer until the door was unlocked and opened, Aaron looked around confused, he was about to close the door, muttering 'kids'. "Hey!" I mowed up at him, but sadly he couldn't understand what I said only heard a meow, Aaron looked down before laughing at my state, my fur was basically soaked due to the snow, and I was shivering. I hissed at him before Aaron sighed. "Alright, Alright," He reached down and picked me up, my tail flicked, slapping his side as he walked Into the house, closing the door behind him. He continued carrying me as he walked towards the hall closet, grabbing a towel he wrapped It around my small cat frame before walking back to the front room and placing me on the couch. I snuggle Into the towel, a light purr escaping as I felt warmth. Aaron was a good friend of mine, Aph Introduced me to him In high school. As soon as I felt myself become dry, I scrambled out of the towel and shifted back to a human, my tail flicked behind me. "So what happened this time?" Aaron asked as I flopped down on his dear carpet. "They mentioned the vet, so I ran?" Aaron chuckled, shaking his head. "Of course you did, last time someone tried to take you there, you had a fit and almost took the vets eye out!" I giggled at the memory. "It was his own fault! He tried to give me a needle!" I protested, Aaron sighed, shaking his head, a knock came at the door, I freaked out and shifted, scrambling under his couch and hiding In the farthest corner. I brought my tail close to my body, my ears flattened against my skull as Aaron got up and walked towards the door, I closed my eyes, hearing the door unlock and open. I quietly sniffed the air, my fur bristled as I knew who the scent belonged to, the scars on my back legs started stinging as I restrained a hiss of pain to come out, I wouldn't let him know I was here... He'd have my head...

A/N Ooooooo who could It be???? I'm pretty sure everyone knows, and sorry for the short chapter!

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