17| petrified

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"I am not letting you get hurt."


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"Hermione, I don't think we are any closer to finding the beast than we were before..." I trailed off, watching as the brunette girl next to me continued to search for the creature. "And even if we were, this is too dangerous. We could be killed!"

"Y/n we have to keep looking," Hermione replied.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I advanced towards the girl and asked, "What exactly are we looking for?"

Hermione's eyes shot to mine, her voice a quiet shout, "The Basalisk of course!"

With my eyebrows furrowed, I tried to think as logically as I could. "And what do you plan on defending yourself with?"

"This mirror," Hermione answered, holding up a small hand mirror that she probably snatched from the common room. "It won't kill...but it might petrify if we're not careful."

I let out a nervous laugh, "So you have a death wish?"

Hermione chose to ignore me and keep looking, and I had no choice but to follow. No matter the circumstances, I wouldn't leave my friend in a dangerous situation, no matter how dangerous that situation may be.

"Hermione!" I called, jogging after her. The brunette was now all the way on the other side of the library.

"Hold on!" The girl replied, her back facing me as she focused on the task at hand.

"If we get killed in blaming you," I huffed, catching up to her.

"Yeah, yeah." She said, continuing to gaze through the mirror.

I then heard a sound — a growl. A growl that seemed inhuman. Like a monster.

"What was that?!" I asked, my eyes shooting in every possible direction.

"I'm sure it was nothing," Hermione brushed it off. "But just in case, stay close, and only look in the mirror — "

I then heard a hissing sound, a sound that you may normally hear from a snake. Gulping, I took a few steps back from Hermione, whilst shaking my head and speaking, "Hermione, I'm serious! we have to leave now."

But this time, I did not receive a reply from Hermione. The air seemed to still in the large library, and I immediately felt my body stiffen.

My eyes shifted, and after a moment they found Hermione, who stopped dead in her tracks.

I then saw a long, slimy tail slither by the book shelves on the other side of the library, inching closer by the second.

Letting out a gasp, I realized the monster...the basilisk was here.

"It's...here," I breathed, gulping whilst frozen in place.

Neither Hermione nor I dared to even take a step. The two of us were frozen in place, as if we were put under a spell.

MY FAKE BOYFRIEND ( draco malfoy! )Where stories live. Discover now