Searching Clues

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Lauren had finally agreed to help Camila discover who she truly was. And of course they come with an idea that they need to plan of finding clues. Then what better way to do it was by looking what was near to them. So they started asking with the neighbors. 

 They were now standing in front door of the unit near Camila and Lauren's flat. They rang the bell and an old woman opened it. Lauren started asking the woman if she knows who live next beside her. "No. I think that apartment was vacant." The old woman answered back to her and closed the door. 

 They move on to the next flat and a young man answered and Lauren started asking the same question. "That was a woman?" and started to laugh. Then Lauren moved on next to ask an old man and he only answered angrily, "Nobody, live there." 

Nobody knew who Camila was, does she don't have a social life? Lauren and she are walking beside each other now towards the next door. "It's like I was a ghost before I was dead." Camz muttered while looking at Lauren feeling a little low. 

 "Hi. Can I help you?" A sexy blonde woman on her sports bra and yoga pants opened the door.

 "Finally, somebody normal. I bet we were friends." Camila shrugged Lauren's shoulder because she was just standing there with eyes wide opened staring at the woman while her jaw dropped. 

"Hi, I'm... I'm Lauren." She started talking. "I am a new tenant here." 

 "Hi, Lauren, I'm Gigi." She took Lauren's hand and shook it. "Come on in."

 "She's friendly, I like her." Camila started to butt in. 

"No." She hushed Camila. "This'll just take a sec. I have a question. The apartment upstairs, it belonged to a young woman." She stated to Gigi who was now inside the house sexily fixing her hair on a pony tail. 

 "Yeah, I think there was somebody up there." Gigi sounded unsure. "But she was, like, totally antisocial." 

 "OK, maybe we weren't close friends." Camila again started to talked to Lauren.

 "Kind a like a cat lady, but without any cats. Right?" Gigi chuckled which earned a small laugh from Lauren. Camila felt a little bit of jealousy there, why was Lauren laughing at her joke. No definitely not jealousy she was just mad because they were laughing about her. 

"OK, I think we're done here. Let's go." Camila simply stated and walked back. 

 "OK, thank you." Lauren was about to follow Camila. 

However, Gigi cut her off. "Look. This is so retro, but I've got a window I can't get open." Camila heard this, what was she doing that blonde was flirting with her Lauren. No what she mean was with Lauren. 

"She's got to be kidding." She turned back again and moved next to the green eyed woman. 

"What?" Lauren asked Camila. 

"What?" Gigi asked Lauren too. 

 "She wants you to come in." Camila said now standing beside Lauren. 

 "Well, if it's painted shut and you use a screwdriver to jam it, it sometimes..." Lauren started verbalizing to Gigi what seems to be the source problem. And an irritable Camila beside her is giving her unimpressed look acting like a jealous woman. 

"Oh, tried it. Won't budge." Gigi again said to while trying to get a hold of Lauren's hand. 

 "No preliminaries. Incredible!" Camila said while crossing her arms over her torso while rolling her eyes at Gigi.

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