Jack Frost X Reader (Rise of the Guardians)

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This would be easier if we had (Name) with us" Tooth said as she stared at the globe. The small flecks of lights were decreasing. Tooth sighed sadly. Baby tooth flew to her shoulder and gently nuzzled into her cheek in a sense of comfort. "Thank you" Tooth whispered as she looked over at baby tooth. Bunnymund placed a furry hand on her shoulder.

"Yea" He whispered. Sandy looked at the two with a crestfallen smile. Jack stared up at North who too held a solemn expression. He then looked over at the rest of them. Who were they even talking about?

"Who's (Name)" He asked. Bunnymund turned to look at him. He stared at Jack with confusion and then anger.

"Who's (Name)!?" He scoffed at the male. "She was the exact opposite of you mate" He glared at him. "Used 'ta bring spring early for me. She was a sweet."

"Was she another guardian?" Jack question and this time Sandy shook his head. He made signs but when it was clear that Jack didn't understand what he was saying the two of them looked over to Tooth.

"No. A friend. A very good friend." Tooth said as she finally turned to Jack. A doleful expression present on her face. North exited the room and Jack wondered if this was a subject that shouldn't be discussed about. However within moments North was back and in his hand, a picture frame. Jack watched as North stood beside the young boy and held it so Jack could see it. There, in the picture, stood five figures. On the far left Bunnymund held a large smile as his hand was placed on the shoulder of Tooth who grinned at the camera. Her arm was around the waist of a girl with (colour) hair. She was smiling like there was no tomorrow. In her arms she was holding Sandy who didn't seem to mind needing the help of the female to be seen in the photo. North stood to the girls right and he held his usual smile. His arm was wrapped around the girl. The photo gave out a happy vibe to it. He wondered if it was the fact that you were in it or because everyone was happy.

"What happened to her?" Jack asked looking up at North.

"Pitch happened" Bunnymund growled out. Tooth shot a look to the large bunny.

"We don't know that!" She exclaimed in desperation. She took the picture frame out of North's hands.

"She wouldn't just up and disappear!" Bunnymnd exclaimed. Sandy watched with a dejected look on his face while North placed a hand on Bunnymund's shoulder.

"Let's not just to conclusions" He said with a joyful smile. He leaned closer to Bunymund before whispering, "You're making Tooth upset" He pulled away and looked back to the globe.

"She was able to fight against Pitch. It never made sense that she wasn't a guardian." Tooth sighed as she continued to stare at the picture.

"She was able to fight against Pitch!?" Jack exclaimed. "I thought Sandy was the only one who could do that!"

"Ahh yes..." Bunnymund closed his eyes and smiled as if he was recalling a fond memory. "She an' Sandy were amazin' together. Ya should of seen 'em. She had a weapon, a bow an' arrow. She used to cover it in the dream dust and shoot Pitch from afar." He laughed. "We had him running for the hills."

"She was- what did they always refer to her as?" Tooth asked. "We always called her (Name) but the humans called her something else. What was it?" She asked looking at the others for help. Sandy jumped up and began to make signs.

"Adult plant?" Jack said confused. Sandy sighed and looked at him with an irritated expression. Jack shrugged it off and North jumped up.

"Mother Nature!" He laughed. "She acted more like a child" They all stopped when they saw the globe become covered by a mist of black dust. "Let's go" He said. Tooth gently placed the picture down and as they ran off Jack stayed behind for just one second to stare at the picture.

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