Puppy Luv: Chapter 15

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Seth POV

I smiled as I walked over toward the guys. Now that she had a pretty good idea of what imprinting was, I would tell her. That way I wouldn't have to explain anything to her.

"Hey Seth," Embry said, "I thought you said your limit was ten on the hot dogs."

"Not for me," I laughed, "Evelyn."

"I like that girl." Quil said, "It's good to have an appetite. Too bad I just finished the last one, sorry."

"Anything else left?"

"Rice cakes." They all said in disgust.

            "Ew. Who brought those?"

            "I don't know," Paul said, "but I think they're trying to send Embry a message. You've been looking a little flabby lately dude."

            "You little son of a…"

            I backed up and let them pounce on each other. I rolled my eyes and grabbed one of the rice cakes. She probably wouldn't want it, but at least it was something. I headed back over to where she was sitting slowly. I tried to go over how to tell her. It should have been simple, but somehow it wasn't. And then there was the part I had been thinking about since I first saw her.

            She was here for the summer. Her home was in California miles away. She was just visiting her dad. What would happen when summer was over and she went back to L.A.?

            Maybe it would be simpler if I didn't tell her at all. I thought, but then I stopped in my tracks when I got to the little log she had been sitting on: It was empty.

            I dropped the rice cake in the sand and hurried over. She was definitely gone. I sniffed the air and smelled her scent going into the forest. I let her sect guide me as I stepped through the trees. She moved in a zigzag pattern in and out of the trees as if she was lost. But she couldn't have been because the beach was in plain sight. Maybe she just didn't know where she was going yet.

            Maybe I was being paranoid. It was possible she just got bored and decided to wander around a bit. Maybe she would come back any second.

            But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't ignore this sinking feeling I had. It felt like Evy needed my help. It felt like she was in trouble. And werewolves can feel when their imprints are in danger.

            I followed her scent again. It stopped winding and started to go straight. At times she would start to go back, but then she moved forward again. It was as if she was debating whether or not she should keep walking forward. But she always went on ahead.

            I was so focused on Evy's scent that went the sweet vampire scent hit my nose, it shocked me. I was plenty used to it by now, but the shock is what hurt. And then the shock turned into rage. I knew that scent. It was the jackass vampire that tried to get Evy last time.

            I growled and started shaking, but I didn't fight it. I let myself phase and took off running after the vampire. But then I came to a halt. I would need help. So I threw back my head and let out one long howl. I wasn't gonna wait for anyone to come and took off through the woods again.

            The smell was getting stronger, and soon Jacob and Leah were with me.

            Seth slow down! Leah said. Those were three words I never expected to hear. I just then realized how fast I was actually going. I let myself slow down a bit.

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