Chapter 21a: Stellar discoveries (part 1)

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Stellar discoveries (part 1)

I was still feeling pretty good when I got to school Monday morning, even though I wasn't sure exactly what to expect.

Rigel and his folks had come to church yesterday, and even though they didn't sit with us, they at least nodded a greeting afterward--and Rigel and I managed to exchange a look and a smile when they weren't watching. I didn't think my aunt and uncle noticed, either, though I half wished my aunt had, after the stuff she'd said.

They definitely had no clue I'd snuck out Saturday night, and that was something I was completely fine with. Especially since I was hoping to do it again--soon and often. I was careful not to act too chipper on Sunday morning, even though I felt like singing. No point inviting questions I couldn't answer.

I caught myself chewing the inside of my cheek as I got to Geometry class, the way I sometimes did when I was nervous. Rigel had said we should still pretend to ignore each other, but what if I couldn't pull it off? What if he couldn't? What if he could? Taking a deep breath, like I would before jumping into deep water, I entered the room.

The pull I always felt toward Rigel was stronger than I could ever remember it being before--so strong, it took an actual physical effort to keep my feet from moving his way. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw him sway just a little as I walked past and hoped it meant he was feeling the same unusual pull. I also hoped I'd get a chance to ask him later on.

I was pretty proud of myself that I managed to take my seat without looking at him. Well, not right at him, though I was so aware of him it felt like cheating. Still, if no one noticed, it didn't count, right?

Deb was watching me closely, though. "Bri was right. You look about two hundred percent better today than you did Friday," she said, referring to our conversation on the bus. "It's great that you've bounced back so well."

I just smiled. I'd told them I'd gotten a lot of sleep over the weekend, but they both chose to see my improvement as proof that I was finally over Rigel. Which was the safest thing to let them assume, even if the truth was exactly the opposite.

A couple of hours later, in English class, I made a point of trying to pick up that Martian vibe from Mr. Smith, after what Rigel had said Saturday night. Now, though, I wasn't sure I was feeling it--not that I'd ever felt it very strongly from anyone other than Rigel. It was like his vibe was so intense--to me, at least--that it drowned out anyone nearby. With him sitting right in front of me, it was especially hard for me to focus on anything else.

Trina kept swiveling around--pretty much every time Mr. Smith's back was turned--to flirt with Rigel, but I noticed he wasn't responding nearly as much as he had last week. I hoped it was because he knew now that he could hurt me emotionally as much as physically and was trying not to do that.

I thought Rigel seemed a little . . . twitchy during English, but it wasn't until Science that I understood why. Now he was sitting behind me, the way I'd sat behind him last period--and I could feel him back there, more strongly than usual. It was really, really hard not to turn around. So hard that about ten minutes into class, Will asked if I was sitting on a tack or something. I tried harder to sit still after that.

But just a few minutes later, a delicious tap on my shoulder sent a wakeup call ricocheting through my body and I did turn.

"Can I borrow a pen?" Rigel whispered. "Mine's out of ink." He kept his expression neutral but I could see amusement flickering deep in his eyes and knew it was just a ruse--an excuse to touch me. The thought made me giddy.

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