"Babe it's Gia!", Lulu's tells Jesiah sounding frustrated.

We all pushed through into the crowd.

"Oh shit!", I mutter

Seeing Ana on the floor gripping onto Gia's hair while Gia is on top throwing blows.

I saw Eli already at the scene with his arms wrapping around Gia's waist pulling her off of Ana.

Jesiah ran to go grab Ana who was still gripping onto Gia's hair as she was slowly getting up from the ground.

These two wouldn't let go of each other's hair, so I had to step in and grab both of their hands trying to break them apart.

It took a while until I finally succeeded on breaking their grips onto each other.


I was walking to my 6th period class with this good looking red head. She wasn't beautiful like Gia, but it'll do.

This girl was easy to pull I barely meet her 10 minutes ago and here she was throwing herself at me.

I heard a ruckus not so far ahead.

"There's a fight happening!", the red head says to me pulling my hand with her.

As we got there I decided to push through the damn crowd to get into the front row to see that action.

My eyes widen as I felt my stomach quickly turn upside down.

It was Gia on top of Ana giving her powerful blows.

Without hesitation I ran up behind Gia wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her up to break up the fight.

I noticed Jesiah come out of the blue and grab Ana.

These two wouldn't let go of each other's hair.

I wonder why they hate each other so much

Gia was still throwing punches at Ana's face while her left hand was gripping onto Ana's hair.

Ana was just pulling Gia's hair.

I quickly tugged Gia's right arm under my arm locking it with force.

I felt her trying to break her arm free to throw more blows, but I didn't budge.

Then I saw Gabriel in the middle of them trying to break I'm guessing the girl's grips onto each other's hair.

Took a while, but He finally succeeded.

I pulled Gia away backing up away from where Jesiah and bloody Ana were.

I can feel Gia trying to break from my arms to go at it again.

"STOP! THAT'S ENOUGH!", I hear Lulu yell coming towards us.

"THIS BITCH STARTED IT!", Gia hisses at Lulu.

"STOP GIA!", I firmly growl out with frustration.

I felt Gia's whole body composure freeze when she heard my voice.

My Bad Girl WaysМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя