Chapter 2

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“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST FOUR DAMNED HOURS!?” the manager fumed as Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Luhan and Jongin one by one went inside their dorm.

“Oh good evening manager!” Baekhyun uttered, not affected by their manager’s ranting.

“Don’t you ‘Oh good evening manager!’ me Byun Baekhyun! You imprudent brat, do you still find the guts to try to make me laugh?! Cause truth be told it’s not freakin’ working! Now tell me, where the blasted heavens did the four of you go and why didn’t anybody answer my calls?!” The manager furrowed his eyes on the four boys, veins on his throat erupting, face red with anger.

“Just a midnight stroll. We left our phones here since we thought we’d be going back early. But Jongin and Luhan here, they-“ Chanyeol was cut by Luhan.

“..wanted to buy Sehun’s bubble tea but figured out that he has the colds so went to the pharmacy to buy him medicine instead.” Luhan finished.

“Luhan hyung? You bought me medicine? That’s so thoughtful of you! But I do wish I could drink the bubble tea instead.” Sehun pouted. “Manager-hyung, don’t get mad at Luhan-hyung. You see, I begged him to buy me some Bubble tea earlier, but I guess he noticed that I had colds. I didn’t expect him to buy me medicine. But he did. He still did, because he cared for me. Manager-hyung, if there’s someone to blame, it would be me. Please don’t get mad at Luhan-hyung.” Sehun gave the manager the most adorable puppy eyes ever in the history of puppy eyes.

 The manager looked irritated as ever.

“Aish!! You!!” he pointed at the four smirking boys “I’ll let you off this time. But you ever dare try this again and I swear to the temples of Machu Picchu you’ll regret every single muscle movement you’ve ever made in your life!” He walked out stumbling on the floor mat, earning whispered laughs from the witnesses.

Luhan made his way to the beaming maknae and patted his head. “This is really the reason why you’re my favorite dongsaeng.” He ruffled Sehun’s hair.

“I was just returning the favor for buying me medicine hyung. My nose really feels ticklish on the inside. Good thing you got me something to cure it.” He inspected Luhan’s hands and pockets. “Where is it hyung?”

Luhan and the three shared apologetic looks with each other.

“Uhm, Sehun, actually, Luhan didn’t buy your medicine at all.” Baekhyun said. “We just used that as an alibi.” Chanyeol added.

   Sehun’s eyes widened. “Whaaat? Luhan hyung! You wouldn’t do that right? Tell me they’re lying! I know you bought my medicine because you cared for me. Me- your favorite dongsae—“ Sehun started to sob.

It pained Luhan to see his favorite dongsaeng cry but Sehun really has to stop acting too childish. He was about to apologize when…

“I-it’s a girl, right? If i-it wasn’t for mah-my m-medicine, then it’s pah-robably b-bcause of a girl. Right?” he suddenly exclaimed in between sobs.

Jongin answered for Luhan. “It wasn’t really our intention. I basically just wanted to show them a shop where Moon Kyu and I used to go to during junior high. Then I ended up dragging them to mine and Kyu’s secret place. We didn’t expect to meet someone there.”

“So I’m right. It’s a girl. Luhan-hyung wouldn’t go that far in lying for me. I just knew it.” Sehun started to walk away. But Baekhyun approached him and patted his shoulder.

“Yah, Sehunnie, I’m sure Suho-hyung has lots of herbal medicines stocked in his cabinet. Just ask him for some. He ne--”

“ver runs out of those. I’m sure he won’t mind.”   

These two, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, they always end up finishing each other’s sentences. But this time, it was quite obvious that Chanyeol just finished Baekhyun’s sentence so that he could say that he played a part in consoling the melancholic Sehun. “Caring for him too” he thought.

The two ended up ushering Sehun towards Suho’s room, leaving the guilty Luhan and Jongin behind.

“Aish, I should’ve just told him that she was a stranger and we were just trying to help. No more, no less.” Jongin hissed.

“No it’s fine. Sehun needs to mature. If he continues to act like this, he won’t be able to get himself a girlfriend someday.” Luhan retorted. 

Jongin shot him a confused look. “One moment you’re all-praising him for being such a great dongsaeng now you’re reprimanding him behind his back? You may be really cool, hyung, but you’re definitely weird.” He made his way towards his room, turning off the living room lights before he turned the knob. “Let’s call this a night. Goodnight hyung.” 

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