Chapter Eight

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[01:13 You text me!]

[great observation sherlock]

[01:19 This is great! I even missed your sarcasm :D]

[i only text you to tell you not to do it]

[01:20 ???]

[01:20 Not to do what?]

[buy a turtle]



[01:25 -_-]

[holy shit you actually are!]

[01:26 No]

[wow do you have the hipster glasses and everything?]

[01:29 It's called fashion]


[01:31 You're just jealous ;) ]

[please dont ever send me winky faces]

[01:34 Why not? ;) ]


[01:37 Is this better? (; ]




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[that is genuinely one of the worst things i have ever seen]

[01:42 What's wrong with it?]

[first of all: its clippy]

[second: it's winking at me]

[third: its CLIPPY!]

[01:47 Don't be a hater, what's wrong with Clippy?]

[clippy is a fucking know-it-all prick]

[01:50 He's not so bad, he just had a lot of knowledge he wanted to share]

[he can shove that knowledge up his own]



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[01:56 What he's not winking anymore!]

[02:01 Still there?]


[02:04 That just hurts my feelings. Not cool man. Not cool.]



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Jake almost choked on his own tongue, as he sputtered out a surprised laugh.

[fucking hell]

[whoever introduced you to gifs deserves to be shot]

[i cant stop looking at it]



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[you are so damaged]

[02:12 ;) ]

_ _ _

Jake realised over an hour later he was still smiling.

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