Chapter No. 2: My Crush

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Alexander Ludwig as Lewis Reynolds

Chapter No.2: My Crush

~Lewis P.O.V~

I punched him. I punched Austin, my best friend

Bullying someone is wrong. It is so unacceptable. I knew how it felt to be bullied. That was the very first time that I hit my friend for anyone. But I can't stand him making fun of someone. Especially Anna.

I saw Anna entering in the classroom looking different than usual. She looked sad. She had this disturbed look on her face, and I just knew right then that something was wrong. 

Ms. Emma paired us for a practical and now I had to work with her. She trudged and sat on the chair beside me. I peeked over but then glanced away. She started to write in her notebook as I arranged a microscope. I looked at her once more and that was when I noticed there were tear stains on her pale skin and her eyes were baggy.

"Hey, are you okay?'' I asked her, and my eyes were searching for her to look at me.

''Yeah, kind of,'' she muttered after a minute. ''Let's start our work.''

''Okay,'' I said in response. I didn't want to push her any further. It was clear that she didnt want to talk about that.

She placed the glass slides under the microscope, which Ms. Emma gave to us. She then fixed the lens under the microscope and observed it with her right eye. I waited for her to tell me about this.

''It's Metaphase,'' she stated and looked toward me.

''If you don't mind, can I check it again?''

''Sure, but you have any doubt?''

I put my right eye on the microscope lens and observed the slides. There was an aligned line of chromosomes in the center of the cell.

''It is Metaphase,'' I chuckled. I was trying to uplift her mood.

She smiled as her blue eyes widened to the size of golf balls. Somehow, my plan was working. I replaced the slide with another one under the microscope and observed it again.

''Let me write about the first slide,'' she suggested reaching for a pencil and I nodded my head.

''Okay, go on.''

''By the way, why we are recreating the twilight scene?'' She asked, giggling.
I smiled as I saw her giggling.

''I dont know," I answered, "And this slide is Anaphase.''

I hate twilight

''Can I check?'' She asked with a smile on her face.

We both laughed a little, and the whole class was frowning at us. We both handed in our written observations to Ms. Emma just seconds before the class bell rang.

~Anna P.O.V ~

Lewis made me laugh today after that whole incident. I was feeling much better. But I was used to these situations; happy, sad, and then happy again. I walked towards my rusty old locker and noticed some bright neon posters were attached to it. As usual, it was glued to my locker; a way those people knew how to hurt me.

 Every time I saw this, I got more insecure about my body.Now a days, any shape and size is acceptable but for those who are confidant about their looks and never let any negative person wander around themselves. But for me it was not possible, because my confidence was shattered by the people who called me ugly. They had made me thinking that only a thin girl is pretty. And I was afraid to love myself and have a self esteem.

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