Chapter 3

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-sangmi's pov-

"Can we be friends?" I asked Mingyu. He just kept quiet. Gosh, I shouldn't have asked. I feel so embarrassed right now. I looked away from him. "You're almost done." He said and I nodded. 

After a few minutes, and he's done treating my wound. "Thanks!" I exclaimed, but he ignored me. I rolled my eyes. 'Rude.' I thought. I stood up and went outside the nurse office, and he came along behind me. I was about to enter court again, when he took my wrist, turning me to him. My heart beat went faster and faster. I didn't expect this, and it's the first time someone did this to me.

I looked at him, confused and red as a tomato. I thought it would end there, but he pulled me closer to him. So close, that it could be called hugging. Then I felt his hot breath near my ear, making my breathing unstable. "Do not go near to the girl that tripped over you." And just by that, I realized that he has a really deep voice.. Which was super hot. I didn't say anything, I just nodded. Too taken aback to even say a word. Then he walked away. 

I stood there, frozen, still thinking of what just happened. Until my friends came up to me, and shouted into my face. I came back to reality and looked at them, confused as ever. "He did not just-" I was cut off by Hyuna screaming into my face. "ARE YOU OKAY BABE!!" She cried out and I slapped her. "Shut up. You're so loud and yes, I'm okay. I'm strong, kay." I said sassily and flipped my hair. 

Then we all gathered as a class, then the coach started to choose who she wanted to be in the netball team. She choose me, Gayoon and 1 more girl from our class, which i had yet to know her name. So, we wrote our names down in the registration form and handed in to the coach. Just by that, the 3 of us, were in netball. But, we still need to attend their training trials to join officially. 

Sadly, Eunbi wasn't interested in any of the sports. She wanted to go for the Dance try-out. Which she would have to go herself, as we were only introduced for sports, not performing arts, clubs or uniform groups. As for Hyuna, she wanted to try out for the volleyball trial again. And Yerin is in volleyball. 


The last bell rang, everyone rushed out of class, for God-knows-what-reasons. As for the 5 of us, we just slowly walked out of class. "So, are we still on about the staying together plan?" Eunbi asked. "Are you guys really serious about that?" Gayoon asked. "Do you guys want to?" I asked. "I mean, I wouldn't mind. This means that I wouldn't be late for school ever again." I said and my friends giggled. It's because I'm allllways late for school, like no joke. There's once I was late for 2 weeks straight. And I had to clean the whole school.

"Aish. What is there to think about, just move in together. That's all." Yerin said. "Yeah." Hyuna added in. "Then let's go to the General Office." Gayoon said and we walked to the office. 

When we were at the General Office, we saw the third netballer in our class, which I found out her name was Kim Haeun. "Oh? Haeun-ah, are you here to sign up for dorms?" I asked and she nodded. "You're alone?" She nodded again. "Ohh.." Then we turned to the staff. "May we sign up for a dorm for 5 people?" Eunbi asked. And the staff member laughed, we just looked at her, confused. 

"There's no dorm for 5 people, my dears. A dorm is only for 2 people in this school." She explained. Then we looked at each other. "But we have 5 people. It's an odd number." Hyuna said. Then Gayoon looked at Haeun. "Then I'll be roommates with her then, since she's alone anyways." Gayoon said and swung her arms around her shoulder, Haeun smiled. 

"Okay. So who will be roommates? Other than these 2 ladies." The staff member asked. And I looked at Hyuna, and she looked at me. "Us two!" We exclaimed together. "The both of us!" Eunbi and Yerin said. Then, the staff asked for our names, along with our phone numbers. After that, she told us to go home to pack our bags. When we come back again, she will give us the keys to our rooms. 

That Arrogant Guy (Seventeen Mingyu FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora