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Josh was biting his fingers nervously. He couldn't even believe what he did. He brought Harry to his father. Then his father had him bound Harry and Perrie with barbwire.

"You are to make him realize what happened." Josh's father said. He had a malevolent grin on his face that was making Josh squirm in his seat.

"But sir, I'm not sure he'll remember who Perrie even is." Josh said.

"And what of the dog?" The man said. He picked up this large knife, a Bowie knife, from the table and started to turn it in his hand, the tip pressed against his finger.

"I'm not sure he remembers Liam either." Josh admitted. He hated when his father never addressed them by their names.

"Well he's the most useless thing I've ever created." His father said, chuckling with a humorless laugh.

"Well father he is the only successful one that you've created." Josh said. He was staring at the man trying to give him any possible excuse he could to save Liam's life.  

"Well we could just create another one if I need to. All I need is his genetc code. Then I could make more." His father said causing Josh to cringe.

"They could possibly end up like Zayn and escape from you." Josh said. His father twitched at the name of the hybrid. To him they were nothing more but exotic experiments not capable of having a name or a life outside this facility.

"Then what do you suppose I do?" His father asked much to Josh's surprise.

Josh swallowed a lump in his throat. He had to come up with a plan that wouldn't get Liam killed. Then he came up with an idea. "How many people know about your plans for Liam?" Josh asked.

"Everyone," Was the response he got. Josh secretly smiled on the inside at the fact that his plan might work. 

""Is there anything else to report boy?" The menacing man asked. Josh shooked his head and he was dismissed from the man's office.

Josh only had one place he wanted to go at the moment. Guilt washed through him as he passed by the room holding the two hostages. Josh was disgusted with himself for his actions. He was the one who brought this date upon Harry and he was cursing himself every time he heard the curly haired boy scream.

Josh walked past their holding room and went to the room that housed Liam. He put the key into the room and the lock clicked. He slowly opened the door and peered inside.

"Liam I need you to run away." Josh told him.

"Your father would kill you." Liam whispered from inside the room.

"No my father is going to kill you if you stay here." Josh hissed.

"Where will I go?" Liam asked, slowly coming up to the door and peeking out at Josh.

"You must find Zayn. You have no choice." Josh said, tears swelling up in his eyes.

"What will you do?" Liam asked in a worried tone.

"I have to stay here and make sure they don't find you." Josh said. He pulled Liam out of the room and gave him one last hug, taking in his scent for what he figured was the last time.

"Here's his address." Josh said, handing Liam a crumpled sheet of paper. "You have to persuade him who you are. You have two days to get him to come here or else Harry and Perrie will die."

Liam flinched at the words that Josh said. His face turned to one of determination as he realized he couldn't fail.

"Okay now here's the hard part." Josh said, looking down at his feet. "We somehow have to sneak you out."

"Well I could change into a dog?" Liam suggested.

"Yes but we can't let any of the lab workers see you. Or hear you for that matter." Josh told him.

"Your bedroom window?" Liam suggested.

"That requires going upstairs to the actual house past all of the security."

"We do a switch." Liam stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Josh's face turned beet red at the idea of them switching clothes. That meant he was going to see Liam's bare skin. Liam was obviously thinking the same thing from the look on his face. Finally Josh agreed.

The both of them switched their outfits much to their embarrassment. After they changed clothes Josh stood their looking at Liam. Liam seemed to fill out his pants and hoodie more than Josh.

"Hood on at all times." Josh told him.

"I'll come back for you." Liam whispered as Josh stepped back into the room and closed the door, locking himself in Liam's old prison.

Josh sat in the corner for a little over an hour before the door finally opened. The face he saw wasn't one he expected for quite some time.

"Great job boy." Josh's dad said, bodyguards flanking to his sides.

"What?" Josh asked confused.

"That was brilliant. What better way to get the hybrid back than to send another one of them?" His father chuckled.

The color drained from Josh's face. He thought he was giving Zayn the element of surprise but his father had already anticipated his actions.

Seeing the look on his son's face Josh's father smiled. "Don't worry son, you'll see them both soon." With those words he shut the door and locked it, leaving Josh stuck in his new prison.

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