21. New Girls

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Just a quick note: please vote or leave a comment so I know what you guys think of his story. I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

Another note: Winner of the contest is anounced down below! but you can already get to know the new girls in this chapter

Chapter 21, new girls

"Hey lady friend." Hannah flopped down on the chair next to me. We had art right now and even though I loved art, I sucked at it. It's unfair that we get grades for courses like this, same goes for PE. Not everyone is blessed with magic hands and can draw everything they want.
We were given the task to draw your favourite actor. I tried to draw Dylan O'Brien, but the person on my paper seemed more like someone who got run over by a truck.

"Who is that supposed to be?" She tried to hold in a laughter, but failed and covered her mouth with her hands.

"It's Dylan O'Brien, obviously." I said like it was crystal clear.

Hannah put her drawing on her desk, she was drawing Kian Lawley, her YouTube crush. She had just started on the drawing, but you could already recognise him. "Oh honey, that doesn't look like him at all." Her voice was filled with fake sympathy.

"Don't act like you feel sorry for my failed attempt at trying." I punched her in the arm, "Your drawing is looking so damn good. Will you tweet it to him when it's done?"

Hannah was sketching along, trying to make his face look like his actual face. "hmmm, maybe. I don't know yet." She suddenly sat up straight and looked me in the eye. "I'm going to this cosy little café after school with someone from the team. Do you want to come too?"

"Is she nice?"

"She is. You're going to like her."

"Okay, I'll come." I turned back to my underappreciated drawing. Let's make him beautiful.


We walked into the café and like Hannah had said earlier, it was really cosy. "Do you see her yet?" I asked Hannah as we started walking to the back of the café.

Hannah looked around and stood still after a couple of seconds,  "Yeah, there." I looked to where her finger was pointing and saw two girls sitting at a table.

"You said she would be alone."

"She brought a friend, don't be so dramatic, Katie." Anxiously, I followed Hannah to the table.

I took place on the seat next to the window and smiled at the two girls in front of me. "Hi, I'm Katie. Nice to meet you two." I looked at the two girls. The girl in front of me had black hair and beautiful brown eyes. She looked tall, but I wasn't sure because she was sitting down. The girl had a big smile plastered across her face, she seemed nice. The girl next to her had brown hair and the same brown eyes as the other girl. God, why did Hannah bring me here? These girls were beautiful and probably really popular too.

"Nice to meet you Katie. I've heard a lot about you from Hannah. I'm Iman and this is Basma." The girl with the brown hair said.

Basma waved at me. "I have a weird name, I know." She let out a laugh. "It's nice to meet you, you're so pretty!"

A smile spread across my face, these girls were nice. "Thank you so much." I said astonished. "You two are really pretty too and your name isn't weird at all. I like it." Basma smiled gratefully at me and started a conversation with Hannah. Iman found her way into the conversation and I just listened. It was nice to listen to people who were talking, having fun and laughing. I found it soothing, hearing people laugh.

As I was staring out the window, with the laughter of Hannah in the background, I noticed something, or should I say someone. Ethan was walking down the street with some friends. He looked stunning and I couldn't help but stare at him. That boy is like an angel. If he were only your angel, the voice inside my head said. He was approaching fast and I quickly turned around to the girls, hoping that Ethan wouldn't recognise me as he walked by.

"What were we talking about?" It was a poor attempt at being a part of the convo they were having.

"Just about the next game. Basma plays football and we have to cheer for her team. Do you want to come too?"

"You play football? Ofcourse I want to come!"

The smile that was already on Basma's face turned into an even bigger smile when I said that. "Yeah, I used to play with my brothers but I made it into the team about 2 years ago. There aren't a lot of other girls in the team, but it's fun." Could she be in the same team as Ethan?

Out of the blue, the table started to shake and a loud buzzing sounded through the café. "Oh shoot, that's my phone, sorry." Iman's phone kept buzzing.

"Who the fuck is sending you so many texts?" Hannah asked the question that I wanted to ask.

"Just a close friend of mine," She said, scrolling through the messages. "He's on the same football team as Basma." Iman started typing furiously, hit sent and laid her phone down on the table again.


"Ignore the texts, I'll reply to 'em later." Iman smiled and picked up the conversation where we left off.


Hello guys!

Sorry that I don't upload as much as I should be uploading, I try to write whenever I can.

Congratulations to iman_222828 and BasmaDolan , you guys are the new friends of Katie and will be appearing more in this story! You guys are great, thank you for supporting this story.

it can happen that there will be another person included in this story, but this will be later on. Sorry to everyone who didn't make it into the story, you all seemed so lovely and I want to thank you guys for supporting me and reading my story.

I hope you liked this chapter, it's just a filler chapter, but things will start to get very exciting soon.

love you all,

XXX Janne

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