18. You are mine

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Sitting himself down on the cafetaria table, Luhan stared down at Minhee with an amused smile. "So you're here, huh?"

"What do you want?" Minhee frowned, already sensing something off about him approaching her this time. Proving her prediction, Luhan leaned forward, taking his face closer to Minhee's.

"You left without taking care of my lips, woman." Luhan pointed at the bruise and cut on the corner of his lips.

"So?" Minhee said nonchalantly, pretending to be oblivious of what the boy sitting on her table really wanted of her.

Stating the obvious, Luhan replied with a stern voice. "You need to cure my lips."

"Are you asking for my help, now?" Minhee raised her eyebrows. "You should've known what my answer is." She then shrugged and took the straw to her mouth to take a sip of her strawberry juice.

Unfortunately, Luhan got a hold of the glass and moved it aside, away from Minhee's reach. He obviously demanded attention.

"Listen! Just because I don't want to help you finding your brother, doesn't mean you can leave your job to cure me."

Irritated by what Luhan did to her drink, Minhee crossed her hands over her chest, lifted her chin and faced Luhan eye to eye.

"Oh of course I can, especially when the patient is such a jerk like you. Now go back to the infirmary and ask someone else to treat your lips." Minhee waved her hand, shooing Luhan away. She then reached for her strawberry juice, but failed miserabky as Luhan got in her way, once again.

"No one is allowed to ignore me." Luhan warned, his hand was holding the glass tightly.

"Don't be such a kid. Just go and leave me alone!" Minhee grabbed the glass quickly and to Luhan's surprise, she actually could take her juice back.

Lifting one of his eyebrows, Luhan tilted his head to the side and asked, "are you ditching me now?"

"Yes. Now, go!" Minhee told him without any hesitation.

"Well..." Luhan smirked, his gaze was locked on Minhee's face. "You're messing with the wrong guy." In a blink of an eye, Luhan suddenly yanked Minhee's hand, pulling her up into his embrace and kissed her right on the lips.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Minhee snapped as soon as she managed to push Luhan over by the shoulders.

After steadying himself from the effect of Minhee's shove, Luhan smirked at her in triumph. "Isn't that obvious? I'm getting you to cure my lips with yours."

"You are insane." Minhee grimaced.

"Guys! Listen!" Luhan suddenly loudered his voice, getting unnecessarily full attention from the people in the school cafetaria. Trapping Minhee in a side-hug, Luhan declared, "This girl right here is mine! Nobody is allowed to touch her but me! Understood?"

Everybody ridiculously said "yes" and nodded, obeying Luhan's order. The violent scene Luhan made this morning in front of the school gate seemed to take effect on them. Most of them had decided on either being on his good side or staying away from him for the rest of their schooling period.

"You are more than insane." Minhee hissed as she wriggled her body free from Luhan's side hug.

"Now you are mine, you won't have anyone around you." Luhan placed his forhead on Minhee's, his hand on top of her head preventing her from moving. "You'll have no friends, not even boyfriends."

"I don't need them anyway." She retorted in a heartbeat, her face looking unfazed. "What I've ever wanted is my little brother to be back. Your threat is futile."

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