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Well hello there! I hope you all enjoy this story that I've put together! Please feel free to comment about spelling errors, suggestions, and/or ideas about the story. Happy reading! ~*Mega_Kitty Senpai*~



The sound of the alarm clock echoed through the bedroom. A pale hand appeared from under the covers and it started to hit the top of the clock to try and shut it up. It wouldn't stop making it's racket so a face appeared, drowsy and angry. He lifted the clock with one hand and chucked it. He smirked in satisfaction as the noise stopped and he lifted the covers to shield him from the rays that had started to peek through his curtains. His mind seemed to be at peace. That peace was soon disturbed by a knock on his door.

"Honey? Are you up yet? You don't want to be late for your first day!" It was his mom.

"Sorry, can't come to the door right now. Please leave a message after the silence..."

There was a pause and he opened his eyes wide open when he heard the doorknob turning. He flung the covers off and tripped on the blankets, landing on his face. His mother swung the door open. She adjusted the dark purple glasses that hung on her nose and shook her head.
"You're going to be late if you don't hurry up. Get dressed and come down for breakfast."
He sighed as the door closed again once more. He stood up and ran his fingers through his thick, black hair. I can't believe I have to go today... he thought. He threw his blankets back into his bed, not caring if it was made or not, and rubbed his chin, heading into his bathroom. He was lucky to have a bathroom that connected with his room. It had a shower, a toilet, and a sink. He turned towards the rectangular mirror and stared at his reflection.
"Let's make a good impression today, Zayne," He told himself. He turned the faucet on and washed his face. He looked back up at strands of his black hair stuck to his face. He wiped it back and it fell into place. Sweet he thought. He walked out of his bathroom and over to his closet. Heh, hopefully they don't care about dress code. He took what he normally wore on a daily basis: ripped jeans, a black hoodie, and his sneakers. Love running to school. He snickered and walked out of his room.
His mom greeted him downstairs with a small, round table with two plates. He stood up and grabbed a fork. Zayne started twirling the fork in his fingers and flinched when it clattered on the floor.
"Zayne! Pick that up! I do not want any dents in the floor!" His mother yelled at him, gently. She was never a harsh person. The only time he ever saw her get mad was when she found out he was getting bullied. She went over to the kid's house and started screaming like a murderer had just killed her family cat. She loves the cat. Anyway, he smiled nervously and bent down to pick it up. No mark. He relaxed and started eating. The eggs were a little over cooked and the toasted was burnt. They were new to the apartment and his mom never really learned how to cook. His mom glanced at the clock.
"Ah! You better get going! Remember your protection goggles!" She frantically snatched up his dish.
Zayne stood up and flicked his hair out of his eyes. Heh, protection goggles. They were just a pair of sunglasses to keep the sun from killing his eyes. Nothing odd about that, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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