Chapter 11 (Rewritten)

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Chapter 11



"He's not home." Christine says. "He left earlier this morning with a friend." Her voice shakes just slightly, and I wonder if they'll believe her lie.

"What friend? Do you know where they went?" The officer pushes.

"No, I'm not sure. I've never met his friend before."

"Do you mind if we come in and look around ma'am?" Another officer asks.

"Yes, I do. Get a proper warrant for that first."

Christine slams the door shut and leans against it. Neither of us move for a while. I stare at Christine surprised she lied to the cops for me. A part of me was sure she was going to give me up. Why wouldn't she When I'm sure she can't wait to get rid of me again.

She moves to the living room window and peeks outside. She looks outside for a while before turning to me.

"They're gone." She says. "What did you do?" Her voice suddenly turns hard as she approaches me.

"I didn't do anything." I snap. "How could I when I'm either here or at Arabella's?" I don't have the time or freedom to do anything. Not with eyes on me almost everywhere I go. I can barely make it to the hideout to help Gavin.

"Well, you've clearly done something considering they have a warrant for your arrest. You realize what I did was illegal, right? I could get arrested too."

"That's not my fault. You're the one who decided to lie."

Christine glares at me and I ignore her as I take my food upstairs to my room. I slam my door closed behind me before grabbing my phone and dialing Gavin. When he picks up, he doesn't say anything as usual, a protocol in case someone else gets a hold of my phone.

"The cops just showed up with an arrest warrant." I say. "Explain."

"Explain what?" He asks. "How the hell am I supposed to know why they were there? You accusing me of something?"

"I don't appreciate the cops showing up at my place, especially when I'm innocent. The only person who could possibly have a reason to get rid of me, is you."

"Me? There's an entire town that hates you, kid. Anyone could have pressed charges against you." The incident with Brad last night suddenly comes to mind. Would he really be bold enough to press charges for one little punch? Wouldn't he worry about bruising his ego? "I'm your only friend out here, remember that." Gavin continues. "If you're going to trust anyone it should be me. Never accuse me of getting cops involved in anything. I can handle my own business."

He's right. I don't know why I'd think Gavin would have anything to do with cops. They've been looking for Gavin for years. They currently think he's somewhere in Brazil. He wouldn't contact them for anything.

"What should I do?" I ask. "The cops will be looking for me and I'm not sure if I can avoid my probation officer."

"How did you get away this time?"

"Christine, my... mother." The word causes a bitter taste in my mouth and my stomach to turn. "She lied to the cops for me. But that doesn't mean she'll lie to my probation officer. They're kind of friends at this point."

"If she lied for you once, I'm sure she'll lie for you again." I wouldn't hold my breath. "Don't worry about it. Just, stay holed up for a while. If you need help, let me know and I'll work something out. But Derek, if you're really innocent, just turn yourself in."

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