Body Swap Part 1

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"Laxus," Natsu shouted, running toward the S-Class wizard with a fist covered in flames. "fight me!"

Laxus sighed and rolled his eyes. "Not now, Natsu." He growled, dodging the Fire Dragon Slayer. The blond began walking toward the large double doors.

"Hey, where are you going?" The pink haired boy snapped. "Get back here and fight me!"

"What part of 'not now' do you not understand?" Laxus glared at Natsu over his shoulder. "I'm busy."

"Busy with what?"

"We've got a job." Freed answered from Fairy Tail's entrance. "Come, Laxus. We'll be late if you don't hurry."

Standing at the guild's entrance along with Freed was Bickslow, Evergreen, and you, (F/N) (L/N).

"Yeah, I know." Laxus grumbled. He turned his back to the Salamander and walked to his team.

"We're totally fighting when you get back!" Natsu shouted.

"No, we aren't." Laxus replied, getting more annoyed by the second.

Once you left the guild, the five of you walked down the streets of Magnolia.

"So Laxus," Evergreen spoke up, "are you going to use the reward money to take (F/N) out on a date?"

"Huh?" Laxus raised an eyebrow. "Where'd that come from?"

"I'm sure (F/N) would enjoy a nice date." Freed commented.

"Yeah, especially since you two never go out on dates that much." Bickslow added.

You stayed quiet and listened so that you could hear what Laxus had to say. You two have been dating for a full year now and, like Bickslow said, Laxus hasn't taken you on many dates.

He shyly confessed his feelings for you after his expulsion from Fairy Tail was lifted by Gildarts. You didn't believe him at first though, and thought it was some sort of sick joke.

💫 Flashback 💫

"You what?" You asked with your mouth agape.

"I said . ." Laxus paused to suck his teeth as his cheeks grew redder. "I said I like you!" He sighed and mumbled under his breath, "Don't make me say it again."

"You-You're joking . . ."


"You're not serious . . ."

"Of course, I'm serious! What the heck are you talking about?"

"Just . . . just leave me alone." You turned around and started to walk away as quickly as you could.

But a large hand latched onto your arm and spun you around.

And lips were pressed against yours.

Before you knew it, you were lost in the moment. And then Laxus pulled away.

"I'm not joking!" He shouted. "I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember. Why the heck would I joke about that?"

"Don't know." You mumbled, "Why did you wait so long to tell me?"

Laxus began looking like he had been busted for a crime. " E-Evergreen made me tell you." He mumbled shyly. "I didn't really want to."

💫 End of Flashback 💫

Long story short, you accepted Laxus' feelings and two of you have been dating ever since.

Laxus x Reader: Body SwapWhere stories live. Discover now