Followed behind Claudia we headed towards our friends.

I saw Lulu, Celeste, Yesenia, Joanna, and Veronica. By the looks of it they were all very tipsy already.

"Hey bitches!", I yell over the loud music.

They all looked back at me before shouting, "let's partaay!".

I headed to the kitchen and saw this huge bucket full of ice that contained all sorts of beers and liquor bottles were all over the counter.

I grabbed a beer from the bucket opening it chugging it all down my throat at once.

Going after another beer I hear laughs coming towards my way.

I turned around and saw Jesiah and his friends approaching the kitchen.

"Wassup", Jesiah greets me


"What took you so long? Lulu was bitching that you were taking long", he says taking a sip of his beer.

"It took me a while to get ready and she always bitches about something", I chuckle.

Jesiah laughs suddenly I heard a female giggles causing me to turn towards the hallway.

My eyes landed on Eli making his way to us with a brunette by his side.

He had his muscular arm wrapped around her shoulder as he pulls her in closer to him.

I couldn't help but feel jealous and angry at the same time.

It was good to see him since he hasn't been to school for about two weeks, but I wasn't to pleased of seeing this brunette bitch next to him.

They both stopped in front of us as Eli started chatting it up with Jesiah and the guys.

He completely ignored my presence.

I looked over towards the brunette bitch and saw her arms wrapped around Eli's built body.

This made me grit my teeth furiously.

 I walked away from the group without saying a word not wanting to see them.

Sitting down near my friends I noticed a bottle of vodka near the counter.

I quickly grabbed the bottle from the counter and chugged the strong liquid down my throat.

Putting down the bottle, I felt the warm liquid of the liquor go down all the way to my stomach.

I made a ew face since it was so strong, but I quickly got over it.

"Damn Gia!", Veronica mutters.

"What!", I angrily reply.

"Nothing", she turns away.

She knew me for so long, so I know she knows when I answer like this is for her to back off.

I drank my beer that was in my hand while also taking a shot with the girls.

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