Chapter 2: Unexpected surprise.

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Chapter 2

Joey's POV

I didn't talk much to Shane after that, or anyone at the table. It was kind of uncomfortable to be here. Lunch ended and we all went our separate ways just going to classes and doing schoolwork. I was so bored so I decided to talk to Luke.


"Hey, Luke! What class do you have right now?" I asked not knowing what to say.

"Hey dude! I'm in my computer class, we basically do nothing in here."

"Cool! I have that class next. Wish we could have had it together." I said I really did want to have a class with someone I knew.

"That would be awesome, at least we have the two earlier classes though." He said

"Yeah, that's true just school is boring and it doesn't help to not know anyone."

"I can understand that, I moved schools back in 8th grade."

"Well I got to go, talk to you later!" I said I was kind of bored with texting him. Not usual for me but the conversation just didn't seem to be going anywhere.

All of the sudden I get a text from an unknown number.

"Hey, this is Shane!"

How did he get my number? Probably from Luke. Why did he want to talk to me?

"Hey, what's up?" I said

"Well, I was kind of wondering if you wanted to hang out with Lisa and I after school?"

Why would he want that? I don't want to be a third wheel on their date or whatever it is. I didn't know if I should go or not.

"I don't know, wouldn't that be weird if I'm there? I mean you and Lisa probably don't want me to interrupt you guys."

Shane's POV

I got Joey's number from Luke; I decided I wanted to invite him, and not to mention Lisa wanted me to invite him because I told her I thought he was kind of cute. I text him and told him who it was. I hope he didn't mind that I got his number from Luke.

"No, she was the one who came up with the idea." I said hoping he didn't think it was an invitation for him to date her.

"Ok, I guess I can go where should we meet up?" He asked

"How about on the bus? Lisa will already be there." I didn't really want to ride the bus but it was the only way I could get home.

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