4/ Conscious Nightmares

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Hi! Happy cny and valentines! to celebrate, i wrote a bit more than usual, and i included a short passage for you guys. Alyson is the Lizzie Arie talks about b4 (although i think you could work that out by yourself), so theres nothing else to say but enjoy!


"..so, Ms Roberts, do you have anything to say to your sister?"

"Yes. Arie is a unique girl, and a wonderful sister to have, but she is different in ways that most people can't understand.

I remember her at seven years old, coming home and telling us that she had won second place in her school's annual writer's competitions with an unhappy frown.

Our mother was both astonished and delighted, and she showered Arie with praises. Arie just stood there, looking miserable. I was the only one who understood. My mother just kept congratulating her, but when she got no reaction, she fell down on her, calling her ungrateful and undeserving of the prize.

Later, I comforted her in our room while she threw a tantrum. I remember what she said: "What did I do wrong? What's the point of doing something if you're not going to win?"

I truly do have an extraordinary sister. I only hope she can come to terms with herself, and remind herself that she can't change what she has been given, and that if you don't give a little, you're never going to get anything."

End of statement



"Helloo, Rach."

I groaned at my pet name and smiled at Janice.

"Hey boss!"

Jany huffed, a playful pout in place.

"I told you, before work, you're not allowed to call me boss. I'm your Jany."

I rolled my eyes, grabbing a banana off the table. "Come on, we're going to be late."

Jany smirked. "Late? What for? The party doesn't start until I get there; I practically run the agency since daddy passed away."

"Still.." I mumbled through a mouthful of fruit. "We should be on time; set a good example and all that."

Five minutes later, we cruised away, to another day, another life changing story, another not-so-happily after.

What do you think? I dropped a lot of clues here. who do you think rachel is? i promise you she plays quite a important role in the story. heres the deal; i need help on the personalities and features of all the characters except for arie. Anyone interested, then comment or email: 843050@gmail.com. thanks! if not, then dont bother and i'll upload soon!

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